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[Words<3 1335<3]

Jisoo pov:

I wake up and get up from me bed going to the mirror to look at how is my face doing.

I took one glance at my face and i already regret that one second that i took to look at my face and reflection.

"God... My face looks even worse then before what do i even do..."

Jisoo said as she tapped down on the table whit her median nail's that she had on her fingers.

Jisoo s mind was telling her to put on make up but she didn't want to do that because she wanted to be herself and her true beauty.

When Jisoo finally decided what to do she got up from her chair that she was sitting on.

"Fuck it i will be myself."

Jisoo said as she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs.

When Jisoo s mother saw her she smiled at her.

Jisoo s mother
"Honey! You're downstairs are you going to school?"

Jisoo s mother said as she sounded happy to see her daughter.

Jisoo gave her mother a soft smile and nodded while answering her mother's question.

"Yes mom i will be going."

Jisoo said as she putted a hand on her mother's right cheek making them boft gigle a little bit.


Jisoo said in a serious voice.

Jisoo s mother answered back.

Jisoo s mother
"Yes honey?"

Jisoo signed letting go of her mother's cheek and looking her deep in her eyes.

"I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine no matter what okay mom?"

Jisoo said as she showed a bright smile on her face since she wanted to make her mother at least a little bit happy and to not worry her that was the last thing that Jisoo wanted to do was to worry her mom.

Jisoo s mother signed and took her daughter's hands in hers as she made eye contact whit her daughter.

Jisoo s mother
"I can't promise anything dear because you know I'm you're mom and i should worry for you because you're my daughter and my world I don't want to lose you!"

Said Jisoo s mother making a sad facial expression whitch made Jisoo soften her from the inside and she felt bad immediately after her mother was done speaking.

"Don't be like that mom."

Said Jisoo as she caresses her mother's face and taking away a stand of hair that was poking her mother's left eye.

Jisoo s mother
"We'll talk later you need to go to school now do you want a ride to school?"

Jisoo nodded and they boft went into Jisoo s mother's car driving her daughter to school since if she went walking she would be late.

Jennie pov:

Jennie wakes up and stretched her arms when her mood changes when she realised that she had to go to school again.

"Well another day another they will make fun of me. Just great let's go."

Jennie said to herself sounding sad as she says so.

Jennie standed up from her bed and started to touch the objects that were around her so that she could help herself at least to the door.

When she suddenly bumps into a figure whitch almost made her fall down but thank god the person caught her in time.

|~°Blind Love°~ | Jensoo | |☆𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑻𝒘𝒐☆|Where stories live. Discover now