|~°24°~|Attachment To People (2)

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[Words<3 2728<3]

Jennie pov:

While Jennie and Mike were waiting for Jennie's mother it was getting more and more colder.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to lend you my jacket for a bit Jennie?"

"I'm sure I'm not cold you can keep it to yourself please i insist."

Jennie didn't even realise how close Mike was until she felt something touching the skin on her arms.

"Dosen't this feel better?"

Mike wispered in Jennie's ear while he placed the jacket on top of Jennie's shoulder's and gently squeezed it.

Jennie didn't respond back but also didn't remove the jacket from herself. Mike took that as a hint.

Mike turned around and saw the garage slowly open and a car coming out of it.

After Mike saw the car getting out and parking Mike turned around to tell Jennie that her mother was waiting for them.

Mike gently poked Jennie's shoulder and Jennie immediately turned around wondering what happened.

"Your mother is coming out from the garage whit the car we should go."

Jennie nodded and Mike wrapped his hand around Jennie's hand and lead her to the way where the car was.

After Jennie's mother parked the car she got Jennie's jacket in her right hand because she have seen it on Jennie's chair in the kitchen before going out she made sure to take it. She immediately started to look for her daughter and saw that Mike was helping her get to the car but what caught her attention was that Mike's jacket was on Jennie's shoulder's loosely.

•Time Skip•

Jennie and Mike were now seated in the back of the car and Jennie's mother had seated herself to.

Jennie's mother looked up at the mirror she had over her head and noticed that Jennie has leaned herself back in her seat and that her eyes were closen she turned around to check if she was okay.

Jennie's mother
"Is she okay?"

She wispered to Mike. She wanted to make sure her daughter was okay but also if she was sleeping she didn't wanted to wake her up from her sleep. She knew she needed some rest because of the school work. Even tho if she sleeps most of the time when she's at home she sometimes would look really pale and light headed lately. But she would give no explanation when asked. Her mother assumed it was because she needed more sleep.

Mike turned around and looked at Jennie and then at her mother.

"I'm not sure do you want me to check ma'am?"

Jennie's mother looked at her daughter again and shook her head no.

"No it's okay leave her like that I'll wake her up once we get to the school parking lot okay? Don't bother her in her sleep."

Mike nodded in understandment. He took out his phone and earphones to listen to some music on the drive.

Jennie's mother sighed as she looked up at mirror to see Jennie one last time before she drove off.

Half way through the drive Mike turned around and saw that Jennie was awake and her back was facing him. She had laid her right hand up on the window and her chin was standing on top of her hand.

|~°Blind Love°~ | Jensoo | |☆𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑻𝒘𝒐☆|Where stories live. Discover now