|~°25°~|Explanation (2)

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[Words<3 1862<3]

Lisa pov:

Lisa looked at Rose worried. Why was Jisoo taking so long in the bathroom to comeo out? What happened? Why wasn't she coming out?

All these questions and many more were wandering in Lisa's mind. She must of not have not realised hat her leg was shaking and that she was biting on her fingers to but Rose noticed.

"Lisa calm down she'll come out eventually.."

Rose said calmly to her best friend while rubbing her back whit her right hand.

Lisa realised what she was doing and immediately stopped.

"Sorry... I'm just really worried Rosie... Friends worry for they're friends you know?.."

"I know but you worry a bit too much she'll be okay.."

Rose said even though she was worried to she wasn't as worried as Lisa even though she knew she should be it was they're friend after all right?

Jisoo pov:

After taking some deep breaths and making sure her face was clean and not stained in her make up she decided to finally step out of the bathroom even though she didn't feel ready to step out she had to so she didn't worry her friends.

Jisoo slowly opened the bathroom door only to be faced whit her two friend's Lisa and Rose who looked worried.

Jisoo didn't even say anything and just started to walk to the couch. Lisa and Rose of course followed behind her since there's nothing else they could do but to be patient whit her.

Jisoo made her way to the couch the two girls following behind her silently. Once Jisoo was next to the couch she waited for the two girls to sit down but it looked like they wanted her to sit first.

"Sit girls..."

Jisoo say's quietly while pointing whit her hand where they should sit. Of course both girl's listened to her and sitted down on the couch waiting for her to sit down on the couch next.

Jisoo then sat in between Lisa and Rose while still looking at the ground. She couldn't bare the embarrassment that's about to come to be honest if you asked her.

There was a big silence between the three girls neither of them said a word. Just as Rose was about to say something a faint wisper was heard.

"I'm sorry..."

Lisa looked at Rose and Rose seemed surprised to. Even tho they knew why she was apologising it still hurted them to see they're friend in this state since they knew everyone sometimes wanted alone time and it's just not right for her to apologise for wanting to be alone for a while even if it wasn't for that long.

Lisa looked at Rose again and Rose nodded in agreement.

Lisa putted her hand on Jisoo's back stroking her back gently while trying to talk to her.

"Please don't apologise to us... You didn't do anything wrong you just wanted to be alone for a while and yes you still can be if you want to you don't have to tell us maybe there's something weighing you down you also don't have to tell us it's okay we'll not be mad at you we all have moments like that we're human after all..."

Rose nodded in agreement and also putted her hand next to Lisa's hand.

"She's telling the truth Jisoo it's okay to have moments like this we'll be whit you no matter what. After all friends have to stick whit eachother and be there for eachother and we promise you we'll be here whit you dosen't matter if silently or not we'll still be here and support you you have us whit you no matter what trust me!"

|~°Blind Love°~ | Jensoo | |☆𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑻𝒘𝒐☆|Where stories live. Discover now