Lydia's Not a Little Kid Anymore!

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Lydia had just about had enough of this prophecy crap. Annabeth wouldn't let it go. Don't get her wrong, Lydia loves Annabeth with all her heart and she gets how badly she wants to leave camp, but there's no telling how long they'll have to wait for this new kid to get here, like, what if he wasn't even born yet? Lydia was pretty sure the big three gods swore off kids anyway, so this prophecy made absolutely no sense to her.

"No, no. Just listen to me Lyd," Annabeth argued "he's the one, I just know it."

"You said that about Aryan and Charlie." Lydia commented, "And Leah."

"Ok! I get it, I get it."

"And Walker." Lydia added, shrugging.

"He kept talking in his sleep. Something stolen."

Annabeth had a finger tapping on her chin, thoughtfully. Very on brand for a child of Athena, if you ask Lydia.

"That kid knows something."

She said it with such a menacing glint in her eye, Lydia had to laugh.

They were walking towards the cabins. Chiron had asked Annabeth to check on cabin eleven, so Lydia opted to go along by quite literally latching herself onto Annabeth's arm. She was pretty peeved this new kid was taking up so much of Annabeth's time, and she'd been moping about it all week.

"You know, Annie—and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but don't you think that maybe you're going a little crazy thinking about this too much?"

Annabeth looked at her like she had grown a few heads.

"Um, no?" Annabeth said, determination overtaking her features. "It's going to be him, I know it. I'm getting that quest."

Lydia turned her head to look at her bestfriend, and squeezed Annabeth's arm.
"I know, Annie. And you will." Lydia eyes softened, "I just don't want you to get disappointed."

"I know, I know." Annabeth sighed.

"Well," Lydia started, giving Annabeth a stupid grin and bumping her shoulder with her own, "I really hope he's the one, so I could have you all to myself!"

She laughed, running off in the direction they were headed.

"Race you!" She hollered.

Annabeth snorted, sprinting forward to try and catch up while screaming, "Hey! That's no fair! Cheater! Cheater!" at the top of her lungs.


They had reached their destination, panting. Cabin eleven came into view. The ancient looking log cabin stood there in all of its chipped off, worn down glory.

Lydia couldn't help but huff when she saw it. It felt like she was always here. Always here to retrieve whatever the Stolls found easiest to steal from her that week.

"What's that? 86 to 3?" Annabeth boasted. "You've really got to stop challenging me to things you can't win, Lyd."

Lydia only grumbled an incomprehensible response. Annabeth smirked in victory as she walked up the singular porch step to knock, but the door was already swinging open.

"Annabeth!" Luke grinned, "What a pleasant surprise."

He ushered them in.

"And little Lyd, what'd they steal from you this time?" He teased, ruffling her hair.

Luke was about nineteen, and he looked pretty cool. She could understand where Annabeth's crush was coming from, but she liked her guys with darker hair and Luke was blond as they came, maybe not as much as Annabeth but blond enough.

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