ꕤ Beebo, the Plant

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With both Lydia and Percy going to school, Annabeth was working overtime.

It would be one a.m. and Lydia would startle her awake with an Iris-message crying about math. One time, Lydia Iris-messaged her while she was peeing, and she didn't even have the decency to wait until she was finished.

The last straw was when Lydia Iris-messaged her the morning after she'd stayed up all night helping her with her homework. Lydia was as peppy as ever; full of energy, and Annabeth hadn't slept a wink.

"Can't you ask Percy?" Annabeth complained.

"You think Percy does homework?" Lydia retorted. "Real generous, Annie."

Annabeth snickered, spitting the toothpaste in her mouth into the sink.

"Okay, listen," Annabeth started, walking back into her room. "We can establish a timetable, so I can at least expect your calls. If you call me in the shower again, I might not make it past fifteen."

"Fair." Lydia nodded.

Annabeth sat down and pulled out her ratty notebook, flipping through the pages to find somewhere to write.

"Hey, Annabeth." Percy said, walking into the room. He stood behind Lydia's chair, resting his chin on top of her head. "Is she bothering you again?" He teased.

Annabeth muttered a 'yes' under her breath, the corner of her mouth tilting upwards.

Lydia rolled her eyes, huffing. She said, "If I didn't 'bother' Annabeth, who would you copy your homework off, smartass?"

He straightened, raising his arms in mock surrender. "Touché."

Lydia laughed, looking at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Good that you're here, Percy." Annabeth said. "Do afternoons work for you?"



Ohio. The state of donuts. At least that's what Blackjack says.

It all started on an average Friday afternoon. Lydia and Percy got out of school a little early—they ditched the last three periods—to hit up the skate park. Percy was going to do all the skating; Lydia was going to try every ice cream sample she could without it having to pay a cent.

Percy had just fallen on his face in front of some really pretty girls, so he was wobbling over to Lydia and the ice cream dude, moping.

Lydia hummed. "The pistachio is really nice, Dave. I just think it could use a little...pizzazz!" She gave him some jazz hands to prove her point.

Dave, the ice cream man, grumbled.

"Now, I wanna sample that yellow flavor over there—no, no. Not that one. A little to the left—yep!"

Lydia beamed as she took the plastic spoon from Dave's hand. Her smile dropped when she saw Percy walking up to her.

"What happened to you?" She asked, looking him up and down.

He snatched her spoon, licking off her ice cream. Lydia's jaw dropped, looking between Percy like, how dare you?! and Dave like, you better replace that!

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