Grover Is NOT a Boy

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The least the Oracle could've done was walk back to the attic by herself. Instead, Grover and Percy were elected to carry her. Recently, they weren't the most popular campers.

Lydia felt bad for Percy. She knew he was having a hard time. She knew that because they'd been friends for so long, and she knew he wasn't the type to act out like that. But anyone else wouldn't be able to tell.

She watched as they staggered to the big house, the mummy's legs dragging behind them on the ground.

Eventually, Dionysus called a council to discuss the prophecy. He'd told Thalia to go and fetch Percy and Grover from the attic, but she looked like she was gonna pop a vein in her forehead, so Lydia volunteered to go instead.

She could hear their quiet conversation as she climbed the attic steps.

"Hey, guys," Lydia said. "Hope I'm not interrupting your bromance in the spooky dead lady's attic, but you guys have to come downstairs."

"Why?" Percy asked.

"Dionysus is calling a council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy," she said. "We should probably hurry or he'll threaten to turn us into animals again."


The council was held around a Ping-Pong table in the rec room. Dionysus waved his hand and supplied snacks: Cheez Whiz, crackers, and several bottles of red wine. Then Chiron reminded him that wine was against his restrictions and that most of the attendees were underage.

Mr. D sighed. With a snap of his fingers the wine turned to Diet Coke. Nobody drank that either. Mr. D and Chiron sat at one end of the table. Zoe and Bianca di Angelo, who had kind of become Zoe's personal assistant, took the other end. Lydia, Percy, Thalia and Grover sat along the right, and the other head councilors—Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, and the Stoll brothers—sat on the left.

Now, Lydia wasn't exactly counselor, but she usually invited herself to these things—especially if they concerned her best friend in the whole entire world. Besides, Katie wasn't around, so that left her in charge.

The Ares kids were supposed to send a representative, too, but all of them had gotten broken limbs during capture the flag, courtesy of the Hunters. They were resting up in the infirmary.

Zoe started the meeting off on a positive note. "This is pointless."

"Cheez Whiz!" Grover gasped.

He began scooping up crackers and Ping-Pong balls and spraying them with topping.

"There is no time for talk," Zoe continued. "Our goddess needs us. The Hunters must leave immediately."

"And go where?" Chiron asked.

"West!" Bianca said.

Lydia was amazed at how different she looked after just a few days with the Hunters. Her dark hair was braided like Zoe's now, so you could actually see her face. She had a splash of freckles across her nose.

Lydia thought she was beautiful. She looked like she'd been working out, and her skin glowed faintly, like the other Hunters, as if she'd been taking showers in liquid moonlight.

Biance continued. "You heard the prophecy. Six shall go west to the goddess in chains. We can get six hunters and go."

"Yes," Zoe agreed. "Artemis is being held hostage! We must find her and free her."

"You're missing something, as usual," Thalia said. "Campers and Hunters combined prevail. We're supposed to do this together."

"No!" Zoe said. "The Hunters do not need thy help."

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