Lydia Goes on a Quest in Her Penguin Printed Pajamas

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Lydia wondered if she'd ever see the camp again, or if she'd die first. But right then she had other problems. The cruise ship was now looming in front of them—their ride toward Florida and the Sea of Monsters.

Riding the hippocampus was supposed to be pretty easy. They zipped along with the wind in their faces. That didn't matter to Lydia though, she had death grip on the poor fish pony. Percy, on the other hand, was speeding through the waves so smooth and steady he hardly needed to hold on at all.

He turned back to show off, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction, rolling her eyes with a small smile that she hoped he didn't notice. She tightened her grip on the hippocampus, and buried her face in its mane.

As they got closer to the cruise ship, she realized just how huge it was. The white hull was at least ten stories tall, topped with another dozen levels of decks with brightly lit balconies and portholes.

The ship's name was painted just above the bow line in black letters, lit with a spotlight. It took her a few seconds to decipher it: PRINCESS ANDROMEDA

Attached to the bow was a huge masthead—a three-story—tall woman wearing a white Greek chiton, sculpted to look as if she were chained to the front of the ship. She was young and beautiful, with flowing black hair, but her expression was one of absolute terror.

It was certainly memorable.

"How do we get aboard?" Annabeth shouted over the noise of the waves, but the hippocampi seemed to know what they needed.

They skimmed along the starboard side of the ship, riding easily through its huge wake, and pulled up next to a service ladder riveted to the side of the hull.

"Ladies first," Percy said.

Annabeth went first.

Then, Lydia went next. She slung her duffel bag over her shoulder and grabbed the bottom rung. Once she'd hoisted herself onto the ladder, her hippocampus splashed her in annoyance and swam off.

Lydia coughed up sea water, grumpy and wet. Percy, on the other hand, found the situation extremely amusing, bursting into such extreme fits of laughter he almost fell off the hippocampus. She gave him an annoyed look as she began to climb.

"He said you were suffocating him." Percy said between uncontrollable laughter.

He wiped a stray tear as he waited for her to get a few rungs up, then followed her.

Finally it was just Tyson in the water. His hippocampus was treating him to 360° aerials and backward ollies, and Tyson was laughing so hysterically, the sound echoed up the side of the ship.

"Tyson, shhh!" Lydia said. "Come on, big guy!"

"Can't we take Rainbow?" he asked, his smile fading.

Lydia and Percy stared at him.

"Rainbow?" Percy asked.

The hippocampus whinnied as if he liked his new name.

"Um, we have to go," Percy said. "Rainbow ... well, he can't climb ladders."

Tyson sniffled. He buried his face in the hippocampus's mane.

"I will miss you, Rainbow!"

The hippocampus made a neighing sound Lydia could've sworn was crying.

"Maybe we'll see him again sometime," Percy suggested.

"Oh, please!" Tyson said, perking up immediately. "Tomorrow!"

Percy finally convinced Tyson to say his farewells and grab hold of the ladder. With a final sad whinny, Rainbow the hippocampus did a back flip and dove into the sea.

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