ꕤ When Did This Become a WHOREHOUSE?!

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When Lydia came bouncing into Annabeth's cabin three days after the end of their quest with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face, Annabeth should've made a run for it.

Too bad she didn't.

Now, they were sitting around the ping-pong table at the Big House. Each camper with a cup of hot chocolate in front of them. There was a total of fourteen campers present all thanks to Lydia's peak persuasive skills.

It was barely two p.m and Annabeth was already scared for her social standing. Lydia had suggested they all get together and play a game—and Lydia's games were not easy. The red flags were there, but Annabeth was blind. Curse you, Lydia and your puppy dog eyes.

It was like Lydia was reading her mind; she gave her a victorious smile from across the table.

The table was arranged a little something like this: at the head of the table sat Beckendorf. To his right, was Silena followed by Clarisse, Grover, Katie, Travis, and Annabeth. To Beckendorf's left sat Nick, Theo (Desdemona's satyr boyfriend), Desdemona, Cressida, Lydia, and Percy. Connor was at the opposite head.

Lydia walked into the room with a bowl filled with a bunch of popsicle sticks and a marker. She put the bowl down at the center of the table and said, "Okay, folks. Does everyone know the rules?"

A few people muttered yes, and a few people muttered no.

"Okay, I'll explain," she said, pulling the cap of the marker off with her teeth. "So, basically, I'll label these popsicle sticks one to thirteen, the last one will be labeled king."

She started scribbling on the popsicle sticks, speaking with the cap in her mouth. "Whoever gets the stick with 'king' on it has to pick two numbers from one to thirteen to do a dare together."

There was excited jittering from around the table—well, mostly—Clarisse didn't seem very enthusiastic. Annabeth spied the Stoll twins making weird signals with their eyebrows, and prayed to the heavens this wouldn't result in the camp burning down.

"Okay, any questions?" Lydia asked.

Connor, Nick, and Percy's hands went up.

"That aren't sarcastic?"

Percy's hand was the first one down, followed by everyone else.

"This is so exciting!" Cressida exclaimed. "I've never played anything like this before."

"Yeah, because popsicle sticks wouldn't last very long underwater." Desdemona retorted.

Cressida elbowed her. Her smile didn't waver.

"Okay, everyone." Lydia announced. "Pick your popsicles!"

The campers crowded the bowl. Annabeth was sure she saw Nick trying to get the king, but clearly he wasn't trying hard enough because Annabeth got it.

"Your handwriting is illegible." Desdemona sneered. "Is this an eight or a two?"

"I got it!" Annabeth yelled over the commotion.

She smirked, surveying the room. Then, she noticed a jar of peanut butter on the ground.

"Seven," she started, and Silena swallowed. "I dare you. . . to smear that peanut butter all over three's face."

It was like being at the Superbowl with how loud it was. Silena was maniacally laughing as she unscrewed the lid to the—after a careful (and long, dyslexic) examination—peanut butter jar that was two years past its expiration date.

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