The Last Few Weeks of Summer

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN: LYDIALydia liked to consider herself a gentle soul

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Lydia liked to consider herself a gentle soul. She was literally not made for any sort of violence. She was supposed to be watering plants back at her cabin, not...this...

Lydia was gripping the handles of her sickles so hard, her knuckles were turning white. Truthfully speaking, she had the fighting skill of a toddler. She never excelled in her training, and her powers were very subpar. Unless you wanted your tomatoes to grow a bit faster, Lydia was not your girl.

The brunette couldn't chicken out right now, though. The fates have somehow been on her side the entire quest, considering she was still alive. She plastered a brave look on her face and elbowed a skeleton man in his nose.

He fell back, sputtering, but no sooner did another one take his place in front of her. She hacked at his face with her sickle. She kicked one, punched one, spit in one's face, and her favorite move, threw her sickle, knocking a few down like bowling pins. She called it hitting two skeletons with one sickle.

Anyway, the success didn't last long because about three minutes later, Lydia had thrown both of her sickles, at some poor unsuspecting skeleton. Bless her excitement and lack of battle experience. Who knew throwing both of your weapons would leave you weaponless?

She was getting overwhelmed, now. She took the last few minutes of her life to think of something epic to say before she went. Just as she was going to speak, Hades stood up from his throne, looking, frankly, a bit bored. Lydia would have felt offended if she wasn't currently about to die.

Hades pinched the bridge of his nose. "Stop." He commanded. "Just...stop."

The skeletons backed down immediately. Lydia peeked through her fingers. She expected to see Hades coming to smite her himself.

"My wife and mother-in-law won't be happy if I leave you to die." He grumbled, brushing a hand through his oily black hair. "Take her away." He motioned with his hands, essentially kicking them out of the throne room.

The same skeleton she spit on threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and dragged her away. She heard Hades grumbling something about hating mothers in law.

She surveyed her surroundings so she could plan an escape route. Hades' place was really lame, the décor was bland and ugly...and so gray.

The skeleton carried her down a spiral staircase. It led down to a long corridor lined with cells.

A Dungeon. Very out of style.

He threw her in one of the cells. It was bare, save for a small bed and a toilet she didn't plan on using.

"Hey! Wait!" She shouted at the retreating skeleton. "I'm sorry I spit in your face! Please come back!"

Skeleton man didn't even stop. Could they even hear or see?

"How long are you going to leave me here?!" She yelled again. "Hey, man. Not cool!"

Lydia gave up.

She slid down the wall onto the grimy floor. She failed Percy, she'd probably deserve it if he failed her too. She was about to drown in her misery when a bright golden light shone from the cell beside her.

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