August 13th, First period

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TW: Mentions of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, mood disorders, self-harm, suicide, homo/trans phobia and other upsetting topics may be discussed in this story, please avoid if any of these make you uncomfortable, thank you. —Dragon


 Lance slammed his locker shut with a sigh, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder. He rubbed his tired eyes as he walked to first period, science, of course. Such a wonderful way to start the morning. He knew later in the year he'd wake up, get to school and have to dissect a frog. Excellent, he could throw up before 9am. He tossed his backpack onto the floor next to his seat and plopped himself on the stool. Of course he was the first one to arrive. He rested his chin on his hand and sighed, hopefully he could sleep a bit. Sure enough the second he closed his eyes an energetic person sat on his left. Oi vey...this'll probably be some horrible stuck up person, or someone infuriatingly jock-like. Lance turned his head and blinked in surprise. A slightly disheveled person had sat down next to him, his hair adorably tousled and messy, curling around his ears. He flashed Lance a grin and stuck out his hand.

"Hello!" He was energetic, that's for sure. "I'm Aaron."

"Lance." The blonde replied, shaking the offered hand.

"Nice to meet ya, Lance." Aaron had a bit of a Texan accent. "This high school is so much nicer than mine."

Lance scoffed. "You're new? Tch, like most people, it's nice until you get to know it."

Aaron blinked. "Huh, that's depressing, ain't it?"

"Welcome to my world." Lance replied, yawning. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to check.

Text from Ty. The notification read.

Text from Ty, Monday, 7:30am


Hey Lance, wanna meet up for lunch? <3


                                                                       Sure, sophomores are allowed off campus, where too?


That cute Cat Cafe down the street? Pleaaaseee 🥺


                                                                                                    Erg fine, you're not adopting one tho


No promises! See you at 11, Caio!


                                        English pls lol, just cause you took Italian doesn't mean I did


Chiudilo rompicoglioni!


                                                                                                     I'm not translating that :)

Lance grinned as the typing... notification vanished from Ty's side of the chat.

"Alright class!" The teacher clapped his hands. "I'm Mr. Williams and I will be your science teacher this year!"

Lance yawned.

"First things first, introductions! I'll go down the list name by name and say your favorite movie, color and hobby." Mr. Williams looked at his list. Lance's stomach clenched, his last name started with 'G' so he was usually relatively high on the seating chart.

A kid named Ryan Allows introduced himself, said his favorite color was blue, favorite movie and all that jazz. Next was a girl named Amelia Carrolls. Now it was Aaron's turn.

"Aaron Evans?" Aaron raised his hand enthusiastically.

"Hi, I'm Aaron, my favorite movie is Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl, my favorite color is purple and my favorite hobby is playing the saxophone." The brunet flashed a grin.

Lance listened with a tad bit more interest. Then the list reading continued, another named Arnold Farish blah blah blah then it was Lance's turn.

"Lance Green?" Mr. Williams asked. Lance raised his hand, black hoodie sleeve sliding down slightly.

"Hey, I'm Lance, my favorite movie is Lord Of The Rings is Fellowship Of The Ring, my favorite color is blue and my favorite hobby is art." Lance muttered, pale hair falling into his eyes slightly. He brushed them back. Mr William's smiled.

"Another Lord Of The Rings fan, wonderful." He said moving to the next name. Lance drifted into a light doze before jerking away to the smacking of textbooks on desks. He hurriedly brought out his science textbook and notebook, acting as if he was awake. Aaron snickered at him and Lance yawned again, who gave out lessons on the first day of school. After a long 45 minutes of biology, he stomped sleepily to algebra.


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Word count: 669

Not bad for my first chapter! 

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