August 13th, 4th Period

21 2 7

       Lance sat down at his French class desk, scoffing with annoyance at the flirty messages written on the polished surface. Some people were communing between periods. Lance went at the messages with an eraser, and thankfully, it was removed quite easily. The French teacher mouthed a quiet 'thank you' at Lance for tidied up the desk and Lance nodded in return.

   The French Teacher was a blonde man with a slight scruff and Sky colored eyes. He wore black glasses and a crisp white shirt with a blue tie and black pants. Lance had taken French 1 in his freshman year, so the teacher knew him quite well. His name was Mr Nicholas Roche, and he moved from France to go to college a few years before he came to teach at this high school. 

   Lance liked Mr. Roche a lot, he was extremely easy to talk to, both in English and French. Lance glanced at the door and did a double take as he saw Aaron trotting happily into the room. 

   "Lance!" Aaron's face lit up as he spied the other. "I didn't know you took French!"

   "Oh...I do." Lance replied, with a small smile. "Ty prefers Italian for some reason."

     Mr. Roche heard that as he meandered through the desks. "Mr. Moretti has a knack for stealing my students." He replied fondly.

   The teacher walked away again, returning to his desk.

   "Oh my god." Aaron whispered, voice lowered suddenly. "Did you hear how he talked about Mr. Moretti? They're totally dating!"

   "Aaron!" Lance laughed. "Don't make assumptions!"

   "You know why we don't assume?" Aaron whispered, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Because it makes an ass out of u and me." 

    "Oh my god, Aaron, that was horrible!" Lance couldn't hide his small chuckle.

    "Buuuut you laughed." Aaron persisted, smiling. 

    "Silence s'il vous plaît!" Mr. Roche said. Silence please.  Lance went quiet while Aaron was still chuckling at his own joke. 

    "First of all, introductions!" Mr. Roche announced in a thick French accent. "I am Mr. Roche and welcome to French 2!" He went to a cabinet and opened it to reveal a bin full of empty notebooks. 

    "Lance, pass these out?" He requested and Lance took the notebooks, handing one to each person sitting at the desks. 

    "Everyone write your name on the cover," He had another student named Sebastian come around with sharpies. "Then open to page one."

    Lance sat down after dropping a blue notebook onto his desk, he scribbled his name on the cover and turned to the first page, writing the date neatly in the upper left corner and his name in the right. 

     "Today we'll just be reviewing some simple verbs." Mr. Roche said, turning to the whiteboard and writing some verbs in French. 

        Courir———To run

         Danser———To dance

         Nager———To swim

         Voler———To fly 

         Faire du ski———to ski

          Tirer———To shoot

          Soupirer———To sigh 

   "Copy these down in your notebooks please!" Mr. Roche smiled and set his marker on the desk.   Lance wrote down the words in neat, flowing cursive.

   "Daaaaamn, your handwriting is amazing!" Aaron peeked at his notebook. Lance looked at Aaron's handwriting in response...his was messy and barely legible. 

    "I think yours is just really bad." Lance smirked. 

   "Gasp! Ruuuude!" Aaron replied, feigning offense. 

    "Did you just say 'gasp'?" Lance deadpanned as Aaron started laughing. 

    "Aaron, Lance, settle down please." Mr. Roche said as he returned to his desk to put something up on the board.

    He cast a projection onto the whiteboard and Lance studied it.

    "Now we'll be reviewing the French Alphabet." He said, accent mangling the words.

   Lance yawned and saw with some fascination, that Mr

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   Lance yawned and saw with some fascination, that Mr. Roche had a tab opened to Facebook where he was browsing Mr. Moretti's profile. 

   Mr. Roche quickly full-screened the image so his tabs were no longer showing. "Copy this down in your books please." Mr. Roche requested, kindly, pushing up his glasses. 

   Lance finished up copying the alphabet and began to doodle a lizard on the side of his notebook. It was Ty's bearded dragon named Bonzer. Lance sketched the spikes a bit before the bell rang and he stretched with a small smile, it was finally time for lunch. He got to go drink coffee, eat muffins and scones, then pet cats...what kind of lunch could be better?


Pronunciation Guide:

Roche: Hosh

Moretti: More-et-ee 

I had to do so much research for this lol 

Word count: 751

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