August 13th, Third Period

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      Lance plopped down in his third class, which was art. Ty trailed in after since they shared the class. 

   "Ah, Ty! Lance!" The teacher, Ms. Johnson exclaimed as she saw the duo walk in. "How're my favorite students doing?" 

    "Good good!" Ty replied, enthusiastically, waving to the art teacher. Ms. Johnson had dyed hot pink hair that was tied up in a messy bun. She had a pencil tucked behind her ear and a paint-splattered smock over a vibrant yellow and orange dress.  

   "How's your brother, Lance?" Ms. Johnson asked standing up some knocked over paint bottles.  

    "Oh yeah, he's good, super excited to be going off to college." Lance answered, swiping a hand through his pale, curly locks. He plopped down in his favorite spot, the rightmost corner desk, and Ty sat down at his left side, as always. 

   "That's always nice!" Ms. Johnson began scrubbing some paintbrushes as other students arrived. Lance flashed another grin and pulled his sketchbook from the depths of his bag, dropping it onto the table. He flipped to his work-in-progress sketch of his own feline. 

   "I always forget how good you are at art." Ty observed, leaning over to look at his drawing. 

   "I am not that good, for real. The eyes are the wrong size and the shading's all off." Lance replied with a frown. 

    "If you say you're failing that badly and it still looks that good, you're an incredible artist." Ty gave his shoulder a friendly nudge. 

    "Pfft, sure." He replied, looking down at his sketch.

   "Alright class!" Ms. Johnson clapped her hands and beamed at her assembled students. 

   "Today we will be working on the introduction to collages!" She flashed her pearly white grin again. 

   Lance relaxed. He adored this class, nothing was going to ruin it for him. 

   "But before we get into our artistic adventure, I'll need you all to join my Canvas class." Ms. Johnson. The class simultaneously pulled out their school-issued laptops and flipped them up. The clicking of keys was heard loudly as everyone signed in and secreted their emails to receive the "join my class" code for Canvas. 

   "Everyone logged in?" Ms. Johnson asked after a few minutes. There were scattered replies of 'yes'. 

   "Alright! Then let's get working." Ms. Johnson scampered back to her desk and flipped on the projector, casting an image of a how-to directory onto the whiteboard. She got up and passed out small pieces of paper.

   "These are for your leaves or feathers." She returned to her desk. "First we'll spend today sketching feathers or leaves, you can pick." Lance grinned and bent over his paper and began to sketch, using his phone to look up pictures of tree leaves. He sketched the sharp, curving shape of a willow leaf with a smile, adding a maple leaf on a separate piece of paper. 

    "Woowwwww." Ty cooed looking over his shoulder. 

    "Shut up, they're just leaves!" Lance chuckled.

    "Lance, your leaves look fabulous, as usual!" Ms. Johnson was mimicking Ty and looking over his shoulder.

   "I know!" Ty exclaimed. "He's so modest." 

    "They really aren't that good." Lance flushed slightly at the praise. 

    "Yes they are!" Ty slapped his shoulder. Lance rolled his eyes and pressed his chin into his palm with a small smile. 

    "You're flustered, you looked the same while Aaron was around." Ty whispered in his ear. Lance slapped their shoulder. 

   "Shut up!" Lance laughed, drawing a glance from the person on the other side of Ty. 

    Class finished up and Lance was just perfecting the shading on his Willow-leaf when the bell rang. He check his watch again. 9:50am the clock read. 

   "Only a few more periods until luuunch." Ty sang. "I can't wait to pet all the kitties." They had an excited look on their face at the aspect of seeing more felines. 

  "Take pictures of me with the cats." Ty ordered and Lance nodded. "I always do." He replied. 

  The duo parted ways at the language hallway, where Ty meandered into Italian and Lance into French.


Another short chapter, please votes and comment if you like it!

Word Count: 689 (Oof, sorry it's short!)

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