August 13th, 4:00pm

5 1 1

  TW: Mentions of paranormal events and a paranormal tv series. Gruesome murders mentioned as well.

Lance arrived home after dropping Ty at their house. His brother opened the door for him and Lance came inside, allowing the screen door to slam shut with a bang and a click. He tossed his bag onto the floor next to the couch and plopped himself on the sofa. He seized the remote just as Marcus reached for it and triumphantly selected Hulu. He scrolled through his watchlist before selecting the show he desire. 

    Lance finally relaxed as the opening theme for The X-Files began to play, the chilling whistle filling the room. Marcus shuddered.

   "This show gives me the creeps." Marcus said, but didn't move. Lance knew Marcus really adored the show, but was too stubborn to admit it after he would always put up such a fight about watching it. Lance's sister bounded into the room, sliding across the polished floorboards in her socks, a grin plastered across her braced teeth. 

  She leapt onto the couch, socked feet swinging over the arm and dangling as she lay on her back to look up at Lance, her mess of curly blonde hair splaying against the couch cushion. 

  "Need something, Cas?" Lance asked, never taking his eyes off the screen. 

   "I just wanted to watch, Lancelot." Cassidy replied, smugly sticking her tongue out at the nickname Lance disliked. Cassidy was wear a sleeveless cyan tank top and ripped  jeans with orange cat patterned socks. Her eyes were lined with light blue eyeliner, accenting the color of her pale, angelic features.

Being twins, Lance and Cassidy were highly similar. They tilted their head the same way when thinking, they both shared the same eye color, and they often had mood swings that mirrored each other. They weren't identical, no, but they were twins nonetheless.  Cas's hair was a darker shade than his own as well.

Cassidy's nails were painted light shades of pink and blue, in a pattern with little red stars all over them. 

"Nice nails." Lance said, watching as The X-Files opening theme concluded and season one, episode three began. 

"Thaaaanks." Cassidy drew out the 'a' obnoxiously long. "I did them today." Cassidy had half-days at school. She attended both online classes (such as History, Math, English etc) and in-person classes (art and French). She took her real classes in the morning and did her online classes on the couch with Lance's cat, Zinnia. Cassidy's social anxiety was much worse than Lance's, and she could hardly get a word out to people she didn't know, let alone answer questions in class. When she was around her friends and family, however, she was just as annoying as any other sibling.

Cas wrinkled her nose, as a character was murdered on screen. 

"That guy is freaky." She said, pointing to Eugene Victor Tooms. 

"Just because he eats human livers and sleeps for decades as at a time doesn't mean he isn't human." Lance replied sarcastically. Cassidy laughed. Lance zoned out for a minute as Cassidy sat up and began to pain her toenails the same colors as her fingernails, just without the stars. 

"Oooo." Cas said seeing his look.

"What?" Lance replied, coming back into focus. 

"You zoned out." Cas observed.

"Yeah, and?" Lance replied, trying to focus on the show. Cassidy nudged him.

"You only do that when you're thinking." Cas replied.

"Doesn't everybody?" Lance answered, rolling his eyes.

"Who are they?" Cas asked excitedly.

"Who is who?" Lance scoffed, a slight blush creeping into his features.

"You're blushing!" Cassidy explained. "Now I know there's someone!"

"Go away Cas." Lance nudged his sister away and she flopped dramatically onto the floor. She scrambled up and skidded away, her orange socks bright against the dark floorboards. Lance retrieved a blanket and curled underneath it, cold despite his hoodie and jeans. Marcus looked up and grinned from his spot in a chair.

"I know that sulking look, there is someone, isn't there?" He asked, smirking.

"No! There's no one!" Lance exclaimed tossing a shoe at Marcus as his older brother left. However he denied it, there was, in fact, someone.


Short-ish chapter, sorry!

Word Count: 684

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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