August 13th, Second Period

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He walked up the stairs and sat down in his next class, glancing at his watch. Only 8:15? Oi vey... He thought tiredly.

"Omg hiiiii!" A voice next to him trilled. Lance looked over and grinned at his best friend, Ty.

"I feel like it's been years since I saw you!" Ty said, grinning back and pushing up their glasses.

"Yesterday, Ty, yesterday." Lance corrected, yawning again.

"Meh, details." Ty waved dismissively, their bracelets clicking together.

"You'll never guess what Cobain did today," Ty started.

"What'd he do?" Lance asked, smiling again. Cobain was Ty's ginger tomcat, and named for Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana. Ty practically worshiped him.

"He knocked over mama's planter of mint, she almost threw him out." Ty chuckled fondly remembering their cat. They whipped out their phone and pulled up a picture of a ginger tabby standing proudly beside a mess of dirt and a broken pot. Lance smiled.

"He is adorable." The blonde agreed. "The worst thing Zinnia's ever done was shred a roll of toilet paper."

"Alright class!" The teacher clapped her hands. "Please take your seats." Ty plopped obediently down on Lance's right and yawned.

"She's totally gonna assign homework." Ty whispered in Lance's ear. Lance sighed and nodded.

"She will." He replied as the teacher put an equation up on the board. "Don't even bother with introductions."

"Lance, Taylor, settle down." The teacher scolded without turning around. Ty made a face at the mention of their real name.

"I ask them all to call me Ty and she's the only teacher who doesn't, uhg." Ty muttered to Lance.

"She's obviously a massive homophone." Lance whispered back. Ty nodded in agreement. "Some people." Lance scowled.

"Mr. Green, Miss Woods!" The teacher exclaimed, turning around. Ty released a low groan. "Is there something you would like to say, Miss Woods?" The teacher stared expectantly at Ty.

"No ma'am." Ty grumbled, running a hand through their ginger hair. "That's not my name..." She followed up with a hushed whisper. Lance patted his friend's shoulder comfortingly. He knew Ty despised misgendering and being misgendered. They had very specific pronouns and they liked people to know that. Lance and Ty continued to scribble notes in their notebooks, sighing almost in sync. The two were practically twins after all they'd grown up together. Lance helped Ty through their discovery of their gender, and Ty helped Lance through his discovery of his sexuality.

"Finally." Lance mumbled as the bell rang...this was chalking up to be the best first day of school ever. He and Ty left the classroom and walked down the hall, they had art class next, easily their favorite classes. 

"Hi." Aaron greeted Lance as he walked by. 

"Oh...hi." Lance replied, Ty stuck out their arm to stop him. "Hold up, you didn't tell me you made a friend!" Ty ran after Aaron and tapped him, Lance trailing after. 

"Hiya!" Ty exclaimed, offering their hand to Aaron. "I'm Lance's best friend, and My name's Ty! They/them pronouns please." Aaron smiled and shook Ty's offered hand.

"Name's Aaron, nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too!" Ty grinned. "Any friend of Lance's is a friend of mine." Aaron smiled again at Lance. "Anyway, I gotta get to class, see ya!" Lance waved rather shyly, a slight blush creeping into his features. 

"OMG!" Ty yelped looking at him. "Are you blushing?!" Lance waved Ty off and scrunched his face down into his hoodie. "No." He replied voice muffled.

"You totally are!" Ty said. "I ship it!"

"Ship it?" Lance echoed. "We just met!"

"Welcome to a Disney movie." Ty smirked. 


Shorter chapter today, sorry, for anyone reading this please vote it!

Word Count: 614

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