August 13th, 5th Period

13 1 6

      Lance sat down with a sigh dropping his head to the table with a muted groan. 

      "Head up, kid." The PE teacher, Mr. Jacobs, said, slapping Lance on the back. Lance winced and pulled away with a muttered. "Please don't touch me, sir." 

     Lance despised Mr. Jacobs. The man was sexist and homo/trans phobic...and he mentioned it regularly. It was a miracle he hadn't been fired for it...yet. If Lance had anything to do with it, he would've been fired there and then. Not to mention he was massive pedophile. 

    The blonde released a sigh as an energetic brunette flung himself into the seat beside him.

   "Lance!" Aaron exclaimed. "I'm so glad we have another class together!"

   Lance felt his usual depressive mood fading as Aaron's infectious aura crept over him. "Me too." He gave a small smile. Lance yawned as his head slumped onto his desk again. He heard Aaron humming quietly in the background, and he mostly ignored it, until he recognized the song.

    "Are you humming My Shot from Hamilton?" Lance asked, face lighting up. Aaron beamed at him.

     "You're a Hamilfan too?" He asked, excitedly.

     "Only the biggest!" Lance replied. 

     "Here give me your number so I can text you Hamilton memes and fanart." Aaron leaned over to peer at Lance's phone, which the blonde had discreetly pulled out from his pocket. Aaron imputed Lance's number into his contacts and flashed a grin just as Mr. Jacobs quieted the class.

     Lance glanced around, many of the girls looks fairly nervous, he didn't blame them. Lance's knee began to bounce nervously, one of his anxious habits. Mr. Jacobs prowled between desks, handing out locks, locker numbers, and combinations. Lance gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the obnoxious swish swish swish of the PE teacher's sweatpants. 

      "Alright class!" Mr. Jacobs bellowed, making Lance wince. "Get changed up and into the gym, you'll run two laps around the basketball court before the rest of your warm-ups." 

     The class filed out obediently, dividing into two lines as girls went to their locker room, and the boys went to the other. Lance was glad Ty got the other PE teacher instead of Mr. Jacobs. The other PE teacher let Ty keep their uniform in their locker and change in a teachers-only restroom. Lance coughed as the suffocating scent of AXE Body Spray wafted over him, mixed with the smell of dirty socks and sweat. Lance selected and went to his locker in the corner and slipped into a stall to change, sliding on sweatpants instead of the shorts. Mr. Jacobs at least made the shorts optional for the boys, the girls, however, were forced to wear them. The girls were the ones who needed to not wear them. The blonde emerged from the stall to see Aaron already suited up in his green PE tank-top over a white shirt, and the black shorts. He had a hair-tie in his mouth and was standing in front of the mirror, tying his slightly longer locks out of his face. 

    Lance felt a small blush creep into his face, but blamed it purely on the heat of the locker room. He could say this, though, Aaron was adorable with a tiny ponytail.

    "Move it boys!" Mr. Jacobs barked and Aaron grabbed Lance's wrist and dragged him out. 

    "Hold up son," Mr. Jacobs grabbed Aaron's shoulder and halted him. "Take that thing out, we'll have none of y'all real men looking like girls." Mr. Jacobs tugged Aaron's ponytail out. Aaron winced and scowled before taking the hair-tie back and putting his up again the moment Mr. Jacobs turned. 

     "What's his problem?" Aaron asked, glaring in Mr. Jacobs's direction. 

    "Sexist, homo/trans phobic, pedophile," Lance began to list off things. "Need I go on?"

    "Yikes, dude's got all the problems." Aaron wrinkled his nose cutely. He still looked adorable with that little ponytail.


Hope you liked this chapter!

Word Count: 652

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