August 13th, Lunch

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     Lance signed out at the office and met Ty in the courtyard. 

     "Heyyyy." Ty said giving him a high-five as they met. 

      "Hey." Lance replied with a yawn. 

      "Ready for some muffins and some cats?" Ty asked, a grin plastered all over their freckled face.

      "Always." Lance replied. Ty's excitement was infectious as always, and it always made him smile. The two began their trek down the street, chatting when Ty, as expected, brought the conversation to Aaron.

      "Sooooo, have any other classes with the lovely Aaron Evans?" They smirked. 

       "French." Lance replied and Ty squealed. "You're such a fanperson. Just because we have a few classes together doesn't mean we'll end up dating."

      "Do you ever read the Drarry Fanfictions I send you? Or any of the Disney movies I make you watch? That's always how couples start out!" Ty replied, indignantly putting their hands on their hips and stopping.

       "Come on." Lance rolled his eyes. Ty jogged to catch up with him and they arrived outside of The Nightshade Cat Cafe. Lance pushed the door open and there was a cheerful tinkle of a bell. 

       "Hello!" Said the person behind the counter. Their dark raven-colored hair was pulled into a small bun and they had bright blue eyes. Their name-tag read 'Shane'. 

      "Hey!" Ty replied, cheerfully ordering drinks and muffins for the two of them. Lance sat down at the right-corner table, choosing the side facing the wall while Ty took the other side that faced the window. A few minutes later, Shane brought their drinks to the table. Lance always drank an iced caramel latte and Ty always had a highly caffeinated and sweetened peach ice tea. Lance munched on his chocolate and chocolate-chip muffin as Ty munched on their blueberry one. 

     Lance swept all his crumbs into the muffin wrapper as Ty finished theirs. "Cat time?" Ty asked, beaming. Lance nodded and they knocked on the cat room door. Another person looked up from her phone inside the room and she got up with a smile. Her name tag read 'Ann'. 

     "Hello!" She said, a smile plastered on her face. "Please use the hand sanitizer before entering, have you all been here before?" Lance and Ty nodded.

     "I actually adopted a kitten from here." Ty offered, smiling. 

     "Oh, are you the one who adopted the little orange kitten?" Ann asked. Ty nodded and pulled out their phone. "I named him Cobain, after Kurt Cobain." Ty offered a picture. 

    "Awwww." Ann smiled again. "So glad he found a good home!" Lance rubbed the hand sanitizer into his hands, wrinkling his nose at the acrid scent. Ann let them into the room and a friendly black and white cat walked up to them, pressing against Lance's legs. 

    A fluffy Siamese cat was lounged on top of a window perch. Lance glanced at the names and profiles taped to the wall. The Siamese was a sweet little boy named Winston. A skittish gray and orange female was hidden in the cat-tree. Her name was Wilhelmina. A small orange and white kitten was playing with a tassel toy, he was named Nigel. A gray and black female with a white underbelly and a pink nose ran up to meet Ty. 

     "Hello Pistachio!" Ty pet the small feline. "It's too bad to see you're still here, I would bring you home if mama would let me take another cat."

     "She doesn't need to know." Lance smirked. 

    "Don't tempt me." Ty replied, but they pulled out their wallet and rifled through the cash they kept in there. They checked Pistachio's profile on the wall and grinned. 

    "Ann?" Ty asked and Ann looked up from her phone. 


    "Would you reserve Pistachio for me? I'm going to come back after school and adopt her." Ann's face broke into a smile.

    "Are you? That's fantastic! Pistachio's such a sweet girl, it'll be great to see her go to a good home." Ann replied. "I'll take down her profile, when can I expect you?"

    "3:00pm." Ty smiled broadly. "I can't wait."

   Lance checked his phone. Just above his background of drugged Steve and Robin from Stranger Things, the time was listed. Lunch was nearly over.

    "Ty, we need to go." Lance stroked Winston one last time. Ty ran their hand through Pistachio's silky fur once more, before following Lance out of the cafe.

    "Your mother's gonna  kill you." Lance laughed.

    "Shut up!" Ty exclaimed. "All I have to do is keep her a secret, Cobain will finally have someone to lay with."

    Lance laughed again as the two neared the school. They signed in at the office and Lance sighed, he didn't want to go to 5th period, PE. Ty gave him a nudge. "PE'll be fun." They said, offering a reassuring smile.

    "I'll believe that when you stop loving Kurt Cobain." Lance deadpanned and Ty gasped. "Never." They replied as they turned down a different hall. 

    "Ciao!" Ty called.

    "See ya." Lance replied, pulling out his phone. 


All these cats are based off cats I actually met at a shelter/on my street!

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Word Count: 858



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