~*Part 1 the move in *~

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Today was a day that I finally turn 20. I have been living with my brother Gustav ever since we were allowed to move out of our parents house. I decided to stay with him, because we have always been close ever since we were young. I wanted to pursue my passion in modeling in the United States, as I was very successful in Germany, where we have been living ever since we were born. but I decided to stay with my brother to help him with his passion. He was part of the band, Tokio Hotel. But today I was expecting to wake up to balloons flowers around my room and all my friends and family with me to celebrate my special day but instead I woke up to my brother Gustav yelling at me saying " Y/N GET UP WE NEED TO GET THE HOUSE READY THEY'RE GOING TO BE HERE WITHIN AN HOUR!" He yelled  from downstairs. " WHO'S COMING IN AN HOUR." I answer back. " The band. The band is coming within an hour to stay with us for the next couple of days. We're planning on rehearsing a couple songs before we go on tour to make it easier. They asked if they could stay at our house." He told me. It wasn't what I imagined my 20th birthday to be like but I had no other choice. 

I got out of bed grumpy  but when I got downstairs I saw there was a birthday cake on the table. There is also a card right next to it from her parents wishing me a happy birthday. It was nice to hear from my parents ever since we moved out of the house. But I had to help my brother. A couple hours went by and we were done cleaning the house. I finish cleaning my room, the guestroom, and the bathroom after I was finished, I decided to take a shower when I got out of the shower and walked out of the hallway. I saw a bunch of bags lined up against the wall. Some of them were instruments. I walked downstairs and saw three other boys sitting on the couch. "Y/N I would like you to meet Bill, Georg and Tom." Gustav Said. I said hello to Bill and Georg but when I got to Tom, he just stared at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"I asked. He just smiled  and kept looking at me. And walked away right after. After a couple minutes, we went into the kitchen to get some food. I went to the cabinet to grab a plate to eat some of my birthday cake, and when I turned around after grabbing a plate, I realize that Tom is right in front of me blocking my way. "May I help you?I asked. "No just waiting to grab a plate he said." I try to move out of the way, but then he moved right in front of me. Still blocking me, I walked around him and got some cake and then sat down at the table. Tom also grabbed a plate. Got some cake and sat right next to me in a separate chair. We didn't really talk much. But I did catch him looking at me a couple of times.

When everyone finished eating a i took everyone's plates and walked over to the dishwasher, while loading them up, tom was leaning, on the counter next to me staring at me. I turn to him and I asked. "May I help you?" "No, I'm good thank you." Tom said smirking. "Then why do you keep looking at me?" I asked him.  "Why what's wrong? It's not my fault that you're attractive."He  said smirking. I turned away, so he wouldn't see me blush. But after that, I just went back upstairs to my room.

Toms POV-

This morning I woke up to my brother Bill yelling at me " TOM GET UP WE NEED TO PACK. WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR GUSTAF'S HOUSE IN THREE HOURS AND WE'RE NOT EVEN READY!" "OK FINE IM UP!" I said in response. After we finish getting ready and started loading the car, we hit the road to Gustav house. "Tom can I tell you something?" Bill asked. " yea sure what's up." I said. "Ok Gustav has a younger sister who's the same age as you you have to promise me that you won't try to hit on her when we're there." Bill said. "Bill,why would I try to hit on someone that I don't even know what they look like."I reasoned. "Tom you don't get it. She very attentive." Said Georg " Yes she is."  bill added. "She is the youngest paid model in Germany." Bill said. "Bill I promise I won't do anything stupid, plus I don't even know what she looks like she can't beat that attractive." But shit was I  wrong.
When we walked into the house and we sat on the couch, I looked up after two seconds and saw Y/N standing there. she was wearing black shorts and a white tank top with no bra on. So it didn't help the fact that I kept staring. My heart started to beat faster She was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She had long black hair then went down to her back. She had pink lips that I wish I could kiss all day, and she had eyes that were dark and mysterious. I didn't know what to do, but all I could do is stare. Into her eyes. When we went into the kitchen, I sat next to Bill and told him " bill you were right, she is attractive." " Ha! That's a first." Bill said laughing. " what is that supposed to mean?" I said in response. " well, I don't know every time I see you with a girl because you slept with her the night before the next day they're gone." Bill said. " Could you just shut up, you're just jealous that you get no bitches. But that's not gonna happen this time ." I responded angrily. I watched as she carried get herself around the room. She had confidence that no other girl could have. She had a beautiful smile that can light up the sky for days. I wish I could tell her that, but it was too early. But it doesn't hurt to try harder to get someone's attention


After a couple of minutes, we all went to the couch and we watched a movie. I was the first one to  sit down on the couch, and I sat on the end. I was scrolling on my phone and when I looked up, I saw Tom  sitting next to me. Once again, not saying anything, just staring I looked at him, and  said. "I'm do you mind?" "What that u want to sit next to me." Tom said smirking at me. " no I don't wanna sit next to you sent next to me." I snapped. " Well, I feel like I want to  sit here so I'm gonna." Tom said.  A couple minutes went by and I felt something touching side of my leg. I don't think anything of it I thought I was just dreaming but when I went down to check what it was, it was Tam's hand, rubbing against my leg. I looked at him, he looked at me and smiled, and then moved his hand away, I didn't really care of his hand was there I just don't understand why he would do it. A couple minutes went by then I got a text message. " OMG HES HIS COMING HIS COMING IM GONNA GO GET READY!" I said excitedly, as I ran up the stairs. " where are you going?" Tam asked. " I'm gonna go get ready for my boyfriend to come over." I said. Tom's face dropped once I told him. I didn't think much of it so I ran upstairs to get ready.

I started to change, and once I finished, I turned around and saw Tam standing at the door. " OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING! ARE YOU CRAZY, I THOUGHT I CLOSED THE DOOR!" I yelled. " oh yeah, it was close, but I opened it." He said laughing. " what do you want?" I asked while walking to my bathroom to do my makeup, " I just want to talk." Tom said while following me into the bathroom. I looked at him and he looked at me. He started walking forward and pushing me up against the wall. "So why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend." He asked as he put his hand on my arm and started to caress my arm." I've only known you for four hours. Why would I have to tell you that?" I said, " so I can get to know you more." He said as he leaned in to kiss me . "ARE YOU CRAZY!" I  yelled as i ran out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

A couple minutes past, nobody noticed that Tom  upstairs with me .  So it made it easier for me  to ignore the topic. I  heard a knock on the door and I  opened it and it was my  boyfriend. I  jumped into his arms, giving him a big hug."OH MY GOD I've missed you!" he said well, giving him a hug and a kiss. " I missed you too!"My boyfriend said. After you greeted  him , I  introduced him to Bill and Georg. But when I  got the tom I  saw that he was giving my  boyfriend a dirty look. "Who's this guy?" My  boyfriend asked. " this is Tom." I told him. Tom didn't say anything he just gave him a smile and walked away. A couple minutes past my boyfriend and I  were sitting on the couch cuddling. But all of a sudden tom came up in front of us  and asked " can I talk to your boyfriend Y/N?" "Oh ok sure I Guess." I said. Then they walked over to the other side of the kitchen

Toms POV

"So how long have you and Y/N been dating" I asked "for seven years." he responded. " well I'm just gonna tell you this right now, it's gonna be over pretty soon." I told him. " why would you say that and how would you know?" he snapped. " she's been giving signals all day. She just doesn't see it herself." I said giving him a smile. He looked liked he wanted to punch me. But he didn't. " you don't know anything about her, so why would you know." He said angrily. " just don't be surprised."

When Y/N said that her boyfriends coming over all I wanted to do was told her to break up with him, but I couldn't it was too early on. We only meant four hours ago. I said that it was a proven to my brother that he was right and that I was trying to hit on her. But this just made it harder if I wanted to show her how much I wanted  her I would have to do anything. And that how to start with her boyfriend.  And I knew how much Gustav cares  for her. One time when we were 13 years old she told us about how she was bullied at school and how she was seriously injured. I understood how much she cared and loved her.

I then turned away and walked away from Y/N boyfriend, but then turned around and said " oh and by the way, don't be surprised if you got a phone call from her saying that it's over within the next couple of days." I said smiling while walking away.


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