Close to closer Part 7 *that's what you get when you let your heart win.*

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Later that night I packed all my things around 2 in the morning. I called my manager John and told him to contact the  agent in America, "Just tell them I'll be there around 5 in the afternoon and just to get me a room at the closest hotel, I'm on my way to the airport." I told John. " Y/N are you sure you want to do this? Have you told Gustav about this?" "John said. '' Yes, I'm going to tell him. I just need to get something and I'm on my way. See you soon." I hung up the phone and saw Bill and Kaley sitting on the couch looking at me sad and upset. "Y/N please don't go we can fix this.'' Bill said. " yea Y/N we can fix it, I know that it doesn't seem like it but we can." Kaley said to me. I looked at them with tears starting to form in my eyes. " Thank you guys, but this is what happens when you let your heart win. And now I can't trust myself with anything. And I can't trust Tom. I was in a bad relationship before him and I gave him a chance but this is what he does.  I'll call you guys when I get to America. I just need to write a note to Gustav before I go.'' They looked at me sadly but there was nothing they could do. I made my mind up and I was going back. They hugged me and went home. I got a piece of paper and started to write the letter to Gustav.

Dear Gustav
I know that I said I was going to stay with you through thick and thin. But now I need to do what's best for me. I have decided to take the job in America and will be there for around 2 to three years. I hope at some point in time Tom can figure himself out. There is just so much I would like to tell you but I can't. I hope that one day you can come visit me in the States. And probably get to meet a new member of our family. I will miss you very much and wish you the best with the band.


Gustavs POV

On the way to Y/N's apartment with the band, I saw that Tom and Bill weren't talking and that Tom was upset about something. I didn't know what to do so I left him alone. When we got to the apartment I could see that all the lights were off. Most of the time she's up and waiting for Tom when she knows that he is coming to her house. We got our stuff and went upstairs. When we walked in Bill sat on the couch and said nothing. Tom stood at the door with his hands in his pockets and landed on the wall and didn't look up. I would to the kitchen counter and put the food that brought from home and saw a note from Y/N. when I finished reading it I look at Tom and walked up to him and said. " YOU SAID EVERYTHING WAS FINE THAT Y/N AND YOU WERE TAKING A BREAK BUT I GUESS SHE'S TAKING A LONGER BREAK AND MOVING TO THE STATES. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!" I then slapped the paper on the table and walk out.

Tom Pov

When I got home from Y/N yesterday. I couldn't sleep or eat I started to drink out of anger and confusion. When I woke up I saw Bill standing at my door looking at me with a frustrated look. "What do you want," I said mad. " I want you to fix this. I need you to fix yourself. You're just gonna let her go like that. At that point just forget everything you did to show her how much you love her. I guess "Loved" since you think it's ok to cheat on her after you asked her to go out!" Bill yelled at me. " Bill! Do you think this is what I wanted? Fuck no! Im gonna fix this ok. She is pregnant with my child and I want to be part of their life. And you know that because we didn't have anyone for us!" I yelled as my voice started to crack. "Do you think she wants you to be part of that child's life after what you did? Your crazy." Bill said as he walked out of my room out the door to his car and drove off.

On the way to Y/N's house, all I could think about was what I was going to say to her to prove one last time that I will change and will be there for her and the baby. But when we walked in the house she wasn't in the living room and I didn't want to go to her in case she got mad at me or Bill got mad too. But that's when I saw Gustav in front of me yelling at me saying ." " YOU SAID EVERYTHING WAS FINE THAT Y/N AND YOU WERE TAKING A BREAK BUT I GUESS SHE'S TAKING A LONGER BREAK AND MOVING TO THE STATES. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!" and I did tell him that because if I told him that she broke up with me because I cheated on her he would kill me. He then ran out of the apartment and Georg followed him. I then took the note off the counter and read it. I looked at Bill and then the time and I ran out the door. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Bill shouted from the door. "SHUT THE FUCK UP IM DOING WHAT YOU SAID I HAD TO DO!" I got to the lobby and saw all these girls looking at me. "OMG IT'S TOM!" one girl yelled. Then all of a sudden they came running to me. " the security guards helped me get out the door. I asked the bell boy to borrow a car and he gave me a black sport Mustang. I got in the car and drove straight to the airport. I was lucky that I didn't get stuck in traffic, but when I got to the airport, the security line was long people start taking the cameras out when they saw me and I walked up to the front desk and asked. " is there a way that I can get through security? I need to stop a flight that's about to go to the US" I told the lady at the front desk. The lady looked at me in shock and didn't say anything. " forget it I'll find my way through." I said. " oh my God you're Tom Kualitz" I heard the lady say, as I ran to the security guard. I told the security guard about my problem and he let me go right through. But I realized I had to take a trim, which would leave me to the other side to wear Y/N. When I got there I pushed my way through and I saw Y/N
" Y/N PLEASE WAIT." She turned around and looked at me.


I then left the note on the counter for him to see since he was supposed to come and see me and Tom, after that I got my things and took an Uber to the airport. When I got in the car I started to think about all the memoirs with Tom. I wish that I wasn't blind to see that this would happen.  I would do anything for him. I would give my last dime to hold him tonight, but the only thing I wanted at that time was to forget about all those memories. When I got to the airport it was already 3: 00am and it was 4am. "It was 4 am and was nobody at the airport, which made it easy for me to get to the gate. When I got on the plane it was already 5 am, since it got delayed for a little bit.  The plane finally got there, and when I went to go scan my ticket, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and I saw Tom. He had tears in his eyes and started walking up towards me. I looked at him. The only thing I wanted to do was to walk up to him and hug him, but I couldn't hear betrayed my trust once again, so I turned around, scanned my ticket, and walked through the door.

Toms, POV, part two

The lady wouldn't let me through without a ticket and I told her that I had to stop the plane. She looked at me, realizing who I was. " aren't you-"
" Yes, you know who I am. Now I need to get on that plane." I told her. " I'm sorry sir, but we're not allowed to. There was nothing I could do. They had closed the door and  I stood there, staring out the window, watching the plane take off. I knew what I had to do. I remembered that we had a lot of fans in the US and I have been working with someone to get us to perform in the US anywhere we wanted. I then called the boys, still knowing that all of them were going to be upset with me, but then told them that our next tour would be in the US and that our first concert would be in Los Angeles.

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