*Close to closer The Kiss*

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When I got to the hotel I checked into my room, and then John and I took the elevator to the floor that I was staying on. When I walk into the room I dropped my things and was about to belly flop onto the bed, but I didn't when I remembered that I had a baby on the way. That's when I decided to tell John about the baby. "John I need to tell you something that is important." "Sure what's up?" John said sitting on the couch. "I'm pregnant..." John then looked at me with a big smile. " Y/N this is great news, this can give you an opportunity to get back together with Tom. I've known him since he was little, I know I have never told you that. But it's because he asked not to say anything when you guys started dating. But I know for a fact that he will do anything to be part of that child's life. Tom and Bill never had that as kids when their father left them at a young age, He will be there for you. You just need to give him a chance." John said giving me a big hug. "but there's also something I need to tell you about." John said looking down at the floor. " oh ok sure." I said trying to make eye contact with him. " well so today you will be singing at the concert. The modeling company wants to bring in more and more talents than just looks. So to help you out and to get a better start, you will be performing some of your favorite songs with a band." John said. "oh ok that's fine what band am I performing with?" I said, "Your.....Brothers...." John said giving a scared smile. " HELL TO THE NO AM I PERFORMING WITH THEM? IM FINE WITH EVERYONE EXCEPT TOM. IM NOT READY TO FACE HIM AND YOU KNOW THAT." I said sitting on the bed looking dumbfounded. "Y/N I know you don't want to talk to him now. But this is going to help you since you're new to the country. please for you and your family, and the baby." John said as he sat next to me. " ok fine but there's no way the tickets are sold out..right?" I said with a shakiness in my voice. " No, it sold out," John said.

A couple of minutes passed, and we were talking about what songs we were performing and what outfit we would be changing into. All the outfits were to promote different brands. But the catch was that the boys would also be wearing one of the four outfits. and for each one they were wearing you had to walk down with them and model it. I didn't understand how my brother Gustav would walk and play the drums. But that's when John told me that someone else will be playing when he walks with me. "Ok now Y/N for the last person you are walking with, you will be singing the song. " I can't remember to forget you" Ok, that's fine who's the last person again," I asked taking a drink of water. " Ummm, let me see, Oh...." John said under his breath. "what! what is it? who-... NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU KIDDING ME! AND WITH THAT SONG OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT USED TO BE THE SONG THAT WE WOULD LISTEN TO ON THE WAY HOME." I said putting my hands over my face. " You know what John that's fine with me actually. Im just gonna have to show him what he lost." I told him smiling with confidence. " that's my star!!" John said giving me a high five.

Here are the outfits (all are just really nice idk what brands to do you can pick)

Bill  (diamonds)

Bill  (diamonds)

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