*~Close to closer part 4 the hospital~*

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On the way out of the coffee shop, I started to feel more and more angry with myself. When I walked out of the coffee shop, a bunch of teen girls started screaming and running up to me. I didn't really care much since I was crying and I didn't look at anyone. I've never cried so much of my life. One of the girls yelled at me and said. "Tom why would you be with someone who doesn't even wanna be seen with you? You should be with someone like me who will be with you 24/7! I'm so much better than that Y/N girl! I then looked at the girl and yelled at her. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME OR Y/N AND YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE FIVE WHY THE HELL WOULD I DATE SOMEONE LIKE YOU! THEY SHOULD'VE JUST CALLED ME A PEDOPHILE IF I DATED YOU! AND PLUS YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING FROG! FUCK OFF!" There are a bunch of cameras flashing, cameras, recording, but I didn't care I was too upset about what happen with Y/N. When I got home, I remembered what she told me. She said that she was going to meet me at the house but it's already been five hours since we've been at the coffee shop. I didn't know what to do so I decided to ask her brother Gustav. "Hey, have you seen Y/N? She said that she was supposed to tell me something she came home, but I haven't seen her." " Well, she might be at her private apartment. You can go check there. If you want, here, I'll give you a key." Gustav told me. I didn't know that Y/N  had a personal apartment. All I know is that she lived with her brother for most of the time, but at least it was private, that should be more comfortable to tell me what was wrong at the coffee shop.

"On the way to Y/N's apartment" 

When I got to her apartment there were no cameras anywhere so it's easy for me to find her room number. I got on the elevator as quickly as I can. I  some girls were staring and close the door immediately and went up to the 15th floor. When I got to her apartment, I open the door and didn't hear anything. Her apartment was huge. It was more like a penthouse and an actual apartment. I looked around she had around five bedrooms and four bedrooms and a huge kitchen. I thought she was sleeping so I waited for a little bit after 10 minutes pass I started to get worried she didn't respond when I open the door and called her name. I started searching around the house, calling her name. I finally decided to go into her bathroom. I found her on the floor, unconscious with her phone in her hand. She was cold, but she was still breathing. "Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME!!  PLEASE PLEASE!!" I started screaming and crying my holding her in my arms, trying to keep her warm. I then called 911, and they arrived in less than five minutes. They came rushing and put her on the medic bed and rest her out of the apartment. I called Gustaf Georg and bill and told him what happened. " I'LL BE RIGHT THERE. DON'T LET ANYTHING WORSE  HAPPEN TO HER TO MAKE SURE THAT SHE HAS ENOUGH BLANKETS TO KEEP HER WARM AND THAT WHEN SHE WAKES UP IF I'M NOT THERE ON TIME THAT SHE DRINKS A LOT OF WATER!!" Gustav said, while I heard him slam the door and run to the car. When we got to the hospital, they Rushed her  to the emergency room I was right next to her, holding her hand. I didn't know what to do since this is never happened to me before. Once the doctors got a room for Y/N they didn't let me go in for about 20 to 40. I started to get really anxious, and finally walked up to a doctor that came out of the room. " ITS BEEN FUCKING 40 MINUTES LET ME TO IN AND SEE IF SHES OK! I CAN SEE SHES AWAKE LET ME IN " i yelled at the doctor as he was still holding the door. "Mr. Kaulitz , you need to calm down, she's fine. You're going to disturb the other patient within the hospital." " I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE HOSPITAL. I NEED TO SEE IF Y/N IS OK! " I yelled. " Mr. kaulitz only family members and spouses are allowed to see the patient-" "He is my boyfriend doctor he can come in." Once I heard that I realize that Y/N was awake. The doctor looked at me with a dirty look, but I didn't say anything. I walked right in and went by her side. The doctors and close the door and told us he would be back in 30 minutes. I looked at Y/N and started crying. I got on my knees and held her hand tightly. "OH Y/N I'M SO SORRY, I'M SO SORRY I DID NOT MEAN TO DO THIS TO YOU. THIS IS MY FAULT. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER KISSED YOU IN FRONT OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE. I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW THIS IS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN." I said as I cried on my knees."Shhhhhh. Tom, it's OK I'm fine now, there's just some things I need to tell you about.

A couple minutes went by, Y/N told me all about her childhood and her medical problems, Gustav had never told me anything about this, and I never asked, but now that I know I felt even more guilty. "Tom, you don't have to be guilty for anything. It's my fault I should've told you." Y/N said. " but now that we're here I would like you to know something." Y/N said, " I would like to go on a date with you. I know many girls probably don't ask you that I want to be the first I feel terrible for what I did, and I feel terrible for shutting you out like that." I  looked at her and smiled. " I would love to do that." I told her and kiss her on the forehead. A couple minutes went by and I fell asleep in the chair and she was asleep in the hospital bed. It was around two in the morning. At this point, Gustav, Georg, Bill and his girlfriend Kaley finally made it. Gustav came in running while Georg, Bill and Kaley followed from behind. Gustav was talking to his sister, making sure she was OK and me and The walked outside into the hallway. We started to talk about how we were both sorry for yelling at each other. I told Bill how it was my fault that we're going to fight and that I should never embarrassed Y/N or embarrass the bed like that in front of a bunch of people. Bill hug me and told me that everything was going to be OK and that he forgives me that he will never yell at him ever again. We then walked in, and we saw why session getting dressed into her normal clothes. " what's going on!  how come they're kicking you out now! Was it  my fault because I yelled at the doctor!"I said, running up to her to make sure that she was OK checking her temperature and making sure that her eyes weren't sleepy and that her skin wasn't cold.  She then laughed and said." Tom I'm OK I just took some medication now I'm able to go home." She said, smiling and hugged me. " if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be OK. And I'm sorry if I put all that stress on to you I don't know how to cooperate with my emotions sometimes." Y/N said. " I then hugged her back and said. " it's OK I'm always here for you. I love you." And then Y/N said something that  then changed Y/N's life and my life. 

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