~*Close to closer part 3 the paparazzi*~

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After I ran away from Tom I didn't know what do to. I got dressed into my own clothes, but I was still crying. All the girls were giving me dirty looks.  I heard one  girl say. " imagine rejecting Tom Kaulitz? I could never I would totally go for him. " she said while laughing with the other models. No one at the modeling agency really liked me due to the fact that I was favored by everyone on the  board. But I couldn't do anything about it. I had all the expectations  that the modeling agency needed But still, I was hated  by a lot of people and I couldn't do anything.

Toms POV 
The night of the show I couldn't resist, but to stare at only Y/N. A bunch of other models are trying to get my attention, but completely ignore them. Only had my eye and one person and that was Y/N L/N. I would do anything to be with her, even if it was hard for me to resist all the girls in bikinis she was the one for me. During the performance she was the last one out on the stage to present her bikini look. And men when I tell you she was stunning. I'm pretty sure I got hard. She was just so beautiful. I followed her from behind very closely when she was walking then purposely pushed myself into her. I'm pretty sure she felt it. And I know she did because she looked at me with discussed. When she got to the back of the stage, she was about to  finished presenting, I know the lights were about to shut off, so I did, with any fan boy would do. I kissed her in front of everyone, pulling her by one arm, and grabbing her with my other hand by the waist. I was still kissing her when the lights went off. I heard all the people in the crowd gasp and  cheer and scream. I even heard one model in the background. Yelling "NOOOOOO!"
I didn't know what to do, so I confess to Y/N my feelings. I couldn't do anything. All she did was look at me and started crying. When I asked her if it was true if she would date me if she wasn't with her boyfriend. She ran away crying. I didn't say anything, but I know I have to make it up to her. I was disappointed in myself, and I knew I could not forgive myself if I didn't fix this problem

When I got home, Gustav  was waiting for me in my room.  I was still crying and I didn't know what to say. "Oh not you as well riding my ass."I said angrily. "Y/N WAIT!,"He said, chasing me down the stairs. "You need to understand that Tom is really in love with you and that I have known you for my whole life and he has never done anything like that to any girl. I know you know that he always has one night stands with a bunch of girls to write a week and yes, it is very juicy of him but it's Tom he has always said that he never sees himself in a true relationship that he would be in love with someone but he's fighting this fight for you. He wants to be with you just please try to understand that he has not come out of his room since we got here on the way back him and Bill got into an argument and they really get into arguments." Gustav  told me. Tom and Bill usually get along. They never fight over a girl, but the only time they fight is usually over food or who's right and who's wrong or who looks better in what clothing. But today was different.

Bills POV
My girlfriend Kaley and I were talking before we left, for the modeling show and I was telling her all about how Tom has a new girl. "Bill, are you sure that Tam is actually going to be dating someone? He always has a one night stand and you know that." She said laughing. I know it's true, but I had to defend my brother. "No he's seriously In love this time. I've never seen him so hooked up on a girl before. The last person I saw him madly in love with Heidi Klum, but she's too old for him. " But I promise you he's really in love you wanna stop talking about her daydreaming and I'm pretty sure I heard him jerking off to her name a couple nights ago. But he doesn't need to know that I've told you or that I know." I told her "Damn bro is really in love all right just tell me how the performance goes. I'll call you later. Love you!"She said, "I love you too." I responded.

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