*~Close to closer chapter 5 the ring~*

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Toms POV
"I love you too Tom." Those were the words that came out of Y/N's mouth after we were leaving the hospital. When I heard those words, I began to cry, and then picked her up by her waist and kissed her on the lips, even though she was only 5'5 I still picked her up, kissed her on the lips. We then walked out of the hospital, holding hands. Bill his girlfriend, Kaley  Gustaf, and Georg already left to go back to their hotel. When we got out of the hospital camera flashing everywhere. I took Y/N to the car and we drove to her apartment. When we got there, there are no paparazzi at all. I've been parked the car inside of the garage. There was no one there.
I then turned to look at Y/N and sighed she  looked at me and I looked at her. I didn't grab her face and kissed her aggressively. We then got out of the car and ran to the elevator. I grabbed her by the waist, and  started, kissing her while trying to press the button to close the door to go up to the 15th floor.The door started closing and we started making out in the elevator. I couldn't resist and I couldn't wait any longer. When we got to the 15th floor, I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I then carried her while running to her room, open the door and threw her on her bed. I then go on top of her and started kissing her neck. She  started to moan. She then took my shirt off and I started to button her shirt to show her bra. I don't unclipped it and started to Undress her.

That night I was with Tom was the most amazing experience of my life. Everything he did was just perfect the way he kiss me the way he touched my body the way that he knew how to satisfy me. I knew how to satisfy him, even though it was our first Time I feel like I've known him for my whole life. he was only thing I had in my mind. Nothing else could I bothered me at that moment. He then started to say. " my love please keep going please." he said as he held my hair back. I then continued. After a couple of minutes, we both finished. We laid in bed for a couple of minutes and then we looked at each other. He looked at me with fear and his eyes. " Y/N.... Are you on the pill?" Tom said as Voice started to break. "yes, Tom I'm on the pill you can calm down." I said starting to laugh. "oh, OK I'm sorry I should've went slower instead of rushing it.." he said with a sigh of relief. " No it's OK." We then fell asleep in the same bed the next morning I woke up to see Tam was next to me. I put on his oversized shirt and walked into the kitchen. He was sitting in a chair with only his pants on, and with his black braids going down his back. He turned around and smiled and walked up to me. The only thing I could really start at what his abs. "damn, i didn't know that he was that fit." I thought to myself as I started to feel my body get really warm. "Good morning princess." He said to me while smirking. He then  kiss me on my neck and then went into the kitchen. He made me some coffee, and I went to the couch. When I open my phone, I saw there's a lot of messages from my boyfriend. " shit I forgot I had a boyfriend." I said to myself. " tom I'm gonna be right back I'm just gonna go use the bathroom." I told him. " can I join?" Tom said laughing. I then looked at him. "you're funny." I then kissed him on the cheek and I ran to the bathroom. I then called my boyfriend, well, soon to be not boyfriend.

                             (Phone call)
"hey, it's Y/N,"

"Hey, what's up?"

"I'm gonna tell you this right now because this is important."

"OK what's up?"

"I'm breaking up with you ."


"Yes I'm fine I just realize that you were not the one for me. I was stuck with you for the last seven years thinking that you would change but I guess you have it you cheat on me multiple multiple times and at this point I just given up I'm leaving it's over."


"In fact, I did fall in love with him and he's way better than you are and don't be surprised if we get married within the next two years because he should really stick relationship. Unlike you."


I then hang up the phone and ran back to Tom .

" So are you ready for a date?" Tom said as he grabbed my waist. "Yes I'm ready." I told him. "OK well we have a whole day ahead of us. I'm gonna take you to all my favorite spots in Germany and if there's paparazzi there don't worry everything will be fine since we're together." Tom said smiling.

"45 minutes later "

We got in the car and we went to one of his favorite amusement parks . When we got there, there was a bunch of girls staring at us. One girl walked up to Tom and started screaming to her friends." OH MY GOD TOM KAULITZ IS HERE!! and all the girls started rushing over to him while pushing me to the side. He then looked at me and walked over to me and grab me by the waist and kissed me on the cheek and started walking past all the girls. I'm pretty sure one girl called me a whore when we are walking away.

We rode all his favorite rides, and finally after we went to the mall. " OK now I'm going to take you to the jewelry shop." Tom said. " why do we have to go to the jewelry shop?" I asked him. " well I want to get you a promise ring to show how much I care for you and I til the day we get married, I want you to wear this ring. " I then looked at him and started to tear up. " OH TOM YES! I WILL WEAR THE RING FOR YOU! We then went to the ring, and we picked out the the ring.

(The ring)

We walked out of the jewelry shop, and we noticed that strange man was walking behind us times, and saw the guy and held my hand really tightly as we begin to walk faster

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We walked out of the jewelry shop, and we noticed that strange man was walking behind us times, and saw the guy and held my hand really tightly as we begin to walk faster. It was late in the afternoon, and no one was really at the mall since it was a Sunday. We got in the car, and then it started to become dark as we started to drive back to my apartment.

Tom's POV

I saw the strange guy walking behind us at the mall. I didn't think much of it since Y/N just kept walking. I've been held her hand very tightly, and I started to walk faster to the car. We got in a car in a strange man got in his car and start following us. We then went into Dark alleyway. I thought we lost him, but then he didn't. He didn't God I was car from behind and start being in my car window you and then shouted. " HOLY SHIT THATS MY EX!"
"NOT THIS FUCKER!" I shouted, and then got out the car, the guy that hit me in the face. " DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL! NOW I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP! and then I looked at him and started pushing him against the wall. "AND I WARNED YOU NOT TO FUCKING MESS WITH ME DIP SHIT!" I shouted , and then he then fell on the floor after I punched him. I was bleeding a little bit on my knuckle, but then I got back in the car I drove off and we lost him.

We can go back to Y/N's apartment and we went upstairs. She was still a little bit shocked so we sat on the couch and I hold her close to me. "Tom I'm sorry I should've told you that I broke up with him today I didn't know that he was crazy like that even though we were together for that long, I've never seen that side of him." Y/N said crying. " it's OK you're safe now and I told you I would protect you no matter what." I told her. A couple minutes went by and she fell asleep on my chest. I then picked her up and took her to her room. I laid in bed with her and kissed her on the forehead.


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