*close to closer part 8 start of the tour.*

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When I called the boys they answer the phone with a rude and nasty tone. "What the fuck do you want!" Gustav said with anger in his voice, I told him about my plan to get Y/N back, and he then said to me, "Why the fuck do you want to ruin her life even more, haven't you done enough to her. He said about to hang up the phone. " I know I have been a bad boyfriend to her, and a horrible friend to you but I want to make this write once and for all. I can't lose her a 3rd time, especially with a baby on the way. I want to be a part of every moment with them. Gustav then agree to move to the US and would make sure that Bill and Gerog knew what the plan was. I knew I had to make it up to Y/N. Because if I don't not only would I lose the love of my life, I would lose my own child, and I wouldn't be able to be part of their life. And I won't make that say mistake like my dad did with me and Bill.


when I got to America and I walked off the plane out of the gate I saw John waiting for me and took my bags and walked to the car. When we walked out of the building there were a bunch of people standing by the car screaming and yelling my name. Some of them asked about Tom and our relationship. One girl asked. "Y/N are you still in love with Tom." or there would be questions like, "Are you excited that the band is coming to the US for the tour!" That was the last question I heard when I got in the car. I thought I was daydreaming, but I didn't think much of it. On the way to the hotel I started to play with the promise ring Tom got for me. I looked at it and started to tear up. I then moved my hand to my necklace which was also from Tom. I then started balling my eyes out. "Oh Y/N it's ok it will pass I promise," John said hugging me. " John that's not it, I miss him I do but I know his not good for me, But I want to go back to the way things where." I told him. I didn't john that I was pregnant, I wasn't ready to tell him. I knew that we wouldn't be upset because I knew and he knew that It wouldn't be heard for me to find a contract even when Im expecting a baby. I was just upset because I wanted to have someone to be with me and support me through out this whole prosses, I with tom was the one, but he hasn't called or texted at all. So at that point, I expected that he just didn't want the baby. Or none the less, he didn't want to be with me.

Toms Povs.

We all packed our things and put all the stuff and moved it to the bus. Georg and Gustav where in the bus waiting. I walked in the house to go get bill since him an his girlfriend Kaley where in his room I heard a loud scream and thought that one of them got hurt, I didn't know how yelled since bill and a girlish sceam. I ran in the room to find the two of the them doing it in his bed. " HOLY FUCKING SHIT ILL KNOCK NEXT TIME!!" I said while walking on to the living room and sitting on the couch. "YOU BETTER FUCKING KNOCK THE NEXT JESUS TOM." Bill sceamed from his room. after a minute Kaley walked out of the room and looked at me and said. I swear to god if you tell anyone I kill you. And if you hurt Y/N again I will hurt you... Ok bye, Tom see you soon safe travels." Kaley is definitely Bill's kinda girl. Bill then walked out of the room and looked at me. I started to laugh. " SHUT THE FUCK UP TOM NOW LET'S GO WE'RE GONNA BE LATE." Bills said getting mad. "AHAHAHAHA I JUST CANT BELIVE I WALKED INTO YOU TOO. AAHAHAH USUALLY YOU WALK IN ON ME.

On the way to the airport nobody really talked until bill gasped, "No fucking way." "Whats wrong bill? " I asked. He gave me his phone. It was a email from our manger saying.

Hey just wanted to tell you that you will be singing with one of also germenys female artists, Y/N Schäfer, she is already in the US and doesn't know that we have put this together, I wanted to tell you guys first since I new know that Gustav Schäfer and her are related. I would of thought since of the last name. But anyway you guys will be performing at the LA concert center, I have already sent you guys ur hotel address, Y/N will be in the room across from you. If you guys have any questions just hit me up. See you soon safe travels.

-Jonny Tizzy

"FUCK ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I said mad at Bill. I WAS GONNA TELL YOU GUYS THAT I PUT THIS TOGETHER BUT KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW.....SUPRISE." Bill said. "its ok Bill its fine this just men's that I have to start to move up the pace. When we got the airport I saw a group of girls starting at me. I looked at them with a slight smile, them I hear one of the girls say, OMG HE SMILED AT ME! GUYS I THINK I MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE. GOOD THING THAT Y/N GIRL MOVED TO THE US." I then looked at the girl with a pissed ass look i walked up to her and yelled. " WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO SAY THAT YOU HAVE A CHANCE WITH ME. AND THE THE RECORED IM GOING TO THE US TO GO SEE Y/N IN THE US. SO FUCK OFF AND STOP FALLOWING US AROUND." I said as i walked though the gate to get the plane. We had a 12 hour flight. but it was for the best.

After we took off the flight atendet came up to my and said. " excuse me Mr. kaulitz but the captin would like and autograph for his daughter." Ok that's fine." I got up and the lady to my hand and pulled me to the back of the plane. She was around my age  " isn't the caption in the front not the back." I said as she threw me into the back of the plane where there where extra bed for the flight attends. I then turn around and saw that she was unbuttoned he shirt. " THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I said as i I tried to run out the room. " where do you think your going?" She said trying to kiss me. "FUCK NO!" I then ran to my seat and told the other workers, they told me that they would take care of it. They did and I was safe. The only person I wanted was Y/N.


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