*~Close to cloer part 6 THE SECRET~*

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The next day I woke up to see that Tom wasn't next to me. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and change when I got out of the shower I saw Tom sitting on the bed. "Good morning my love." he said as he stood up. My face dropped in shock. "Holy shit Tam, your face." I said running towards him to see the bruise on his face from last night. "Are you OK? Do you need anything? I can go get the first aid kit if you want it looks really bad" I said starting to freak out he  laughed and "said don't worry, it's just a bruise. I'll be fine." He then took my hand and sat me down on the bed. " there's something I need to tell you.. for the next couple of weeks you and Kaley will be here for a couple of weeks. Me and the band are touring for a little bit. " tom said. I looked at him a little bit worried since I knew how girls are with him. I was just hoping that he would be mature enough not to be pursued by any of them. " OK that seems fine with me." I said. " thank you my love I promise to call you when I have the opportunity to."

Two days later 

The band was about to leave in a couple of hours on the way to the first destination. As the band was loading the car, Tam pulled me inside the house. " Y/N, this is what I want you to wear when I'm gone if you ever go out, make sure you're wearing it." he handed me a necklace with the letter T on it. " I expect that the T stands for Tom, huh" I said, laughing. " I want you to wear this, so when you go out in public, I want people to know that we're dating even though it hasn't been fully announced. I want the public to at least get an idea of it." he said.
The necklace

I looked at the necklace starting to tear up. I didn't say anything much, but I just looked at him and please my head on his chest. I held him as tight as I could not wanting the moment to go away. " I'll see you soon my love. And then we can have all the Time in the world to ourselves." he said, as he kissed me. As he walked away, Gustav came up and gave me a hug. "Y/N you promise that you'll be OK?" he asked nervously. " yes I'll be fine." I didn't hugged him really tight and then they were off on the road. 

Me and Kaley got along really well. We mostly talked about the twins and how much we love them, even though they were total opposites, it seem like they had a lot in common. Couple minutes past and I got a call from Tom.

" hi! It's so good to hear from you. How's the trip going?"

" hi Y/N I miss you a lot it's going really well, I have a question to ask you.

" yeah what's up?"

" so the boys are going out to the club tonight and I know that you're worried about around me, but I was wondering if you would be OK with me going."

" of course you can go.it's not a problem."

" OK my love thank you so much. I'll call you when I get we get home. I love you."

" I love you too. Stay safe. See you soon."

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of scared. But I'm gonna have to trust him." I told Kaley, "Y/N you're gonna have to trust him. He called you for your permission." She said laughing. " yeah I guess you're right we'll see how it goes." " Hey Bill gave me some cash for us to go shopping. Do you want to go?" Kaley asked. " yeah why not we have to do something since there's nothing really to do." I said laughing. 

When we go to the mall, a bunch of girls in paparazzi started swarming us. We ran into one of the stores we saw. And the employees lock the doors for us. A couple minutes went by and we are finished shopping at that store. Couple of the girls were still standing outside of the store waiting for us. " should we go out there? They're probably gonna ask us about Tom and Bill where they are." Kaley said. " I honestly don't think we have a choice. If we don't go out there, we might as will be stuck in here forever." I said laughing. We finally had the courage to walk out of the building. One of the girls ran up to us and asked. "OMG YOU GUYS ARE ONE OF THE MOST LUCKIEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET YOU'RE  DATING KAULITZ TWINS." we both looked at each other and just nodded. It was kind of uncomfortable that everyone was asking us questions, but we didn't really answer most of them because we didn't feel comfortable. We were walking to one store and then we heard a girl yell at Kaley saying. " TELL BILL TO CALL ME WHEN YOU GUYS BREAK UP! " the girl said laughing. Kaley and then turned around and yelled at her. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS AND I WON'T BE CALLING YOU ANY TIME SOON!

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