*~Close to closer part 2 The show~*

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The next day, the band rehearsed for about three hours during that time I was with my friend Alyssa at her house . I told her about everything that happened the day before. " I don't know what happened yesterday. He was just trying to sit by me the whole time until my boyfriend showed up." I told her." Well that's a first do you think he's cute?" Alyssa asked.
I looked at her shocked. " I don't know. I've been with my boyfriend for the last seven years." I told her. " don't want you to having complications for the last year. Like he was cheating on you every other week." She said upset.

My boyfriend and I have been having complications for the last year. One time during the summer, I found out that he was cheating on me with one of my close friends. When I found out all I could do was cry, I didn't talk to him for three weeks and apologize after that when I found out that he was out drinking every night and hanging out with girls every other day.  " I don't know he's attractive, but he also tries too hard and plus our lives are completely different. He's a music artist in a model." I told her. " that's why your kids would be so talented and attractive. She said jokingly. "ALYSSA !" I yelled. " Hey hey Y/N I was just kidding!"

When I got home from her house, the boys weren't there, but I didn't notice that the whole house was a mess. I change into some different clothes and started to clean. I put my headphones on and start by saying some of my favorite music. I started to dance and sing to it. After a couple minutes I turned around and saw Tom  staring at me, just smiling and I doing anything. " OH MY GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT? YOU STARTLED ME!" I yelled. " relax I was just watching you clean." He said looking up my body. " what are you staring at?" I said. " oh nothing." he said laughing. I continue to clean but left my headphones on the table. "So did you hear where we're performing today?" he said well follow me around the kitchen. " no, I wasn't told anything." I said. " well today was supposed performing at one of the model shows that you supposedly are starting in." he said laughing. I  then realized which  modeling show he was referring to. " oh, you're talking about the one-"
" yes, the one we're all of your dressed  in bikinis." He said smirking. " I turned around and started blushing. He didn't see me, though after that, he left the room and said. " can't wait to see you in those fits."

A couple hours past, and we are finally getting ready to go to the auditorium.  I got in the car and Tam sat right next to me. " so are you ready?" He said " am I ready for what" I said. " are you ready for all the looks you're gonna be getting." he said. " it's just a normal day. Nothing I can really do about it." " oh, OK, how tight of bikini wearing?" Tom asked while moving in closer.  "I don't think that's very appropriate of you to ask." as I started his eyes. " well, we're just gonna have to see." as he leaned in for a kiss. I think quickly turn my head, and he walked up, kissing my cheek. " huh" he said laughing. " Playing hard to get eye see." Tom said smiling. "Ok you'll see what I can do." He said then kiss me on the cheek, and walk to the back of the bus with the rest of the band.

Once we got there the band and I split up, all the girls were cheering and screaming for them. I got some dirty, looks from a couple of girls because I was with them. Later, I went into the dressing room and got ready. A couple minutes later they started announcing all of the models. They introduced me last, and once I walked out onto stage, everyone started cheering clapping. After that, we all went back into the dressing room, and started putting on the first set of the bikinis. All the lights went off in the band started they started playing one of the most famous songs. ( pick whichever song you like the most.) I started walking out, and I realize that tom  follow me from behind playing his guitar not giving me any privacy to walk to the side or walk around. I was the last person to get on stage and the last person out of the whole show. I turned around to present one final look, and he grabbed my arm and kissing on the lips. The lights went out, and everyone started gasping, and cheering. " WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I said, whispering loudly. " well, you're a person that plays hard  to get so I had to show the public what I would do for me to be with you." He said.  " i'm in a relationship and you know that. So I  don't know if this is going to work out." I said about to cry. " so you do you think if you were not in a relationship, you would date me?"
I looked at him embarrassed, and then I ran  off.


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