You can't stop laughing at a meme

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You giggled to yourself as you scrolled through memes on Tumblr. You and Taylor were scheduled to have a lazy day together, but you gotten bored with the movie and had taken to scrolling on your phone. 

Taylor who was actually interested in the movie chose to ignore your small giggles beside her, but as they became more frequent she took her eyes off the screen and faced you. 

You had just come across a meme that you found extremely funny and Taylor watched as you let out a loud laugh. Taylor couldn't help but smile with you, finding the way your nose scrunched as you laughed adorable. 

You turned to face her, wiping a tear from your eye. "Look at this Tay", you said, still giggling.

You turned the phone screen towards her and waited whilst she read the meme. She furrowed her eyebrows confused as to how you found it that funny. You let out another loud giggle just thinking about it and she laughed with you. 

"You're so cute", she said, and moved her position so she could cuddle into you more. You put your phone down on the bed and wrapped your arms around her waist, still giggling at the meme.

"You finished?", Taylor said laughing at your uncontrollable fits of giggles.

"Yes you can put the movie back on", you say as you squeeze her slightly.

"Okay". She continues to smile whilst watching the movie only pausing it when you had to get out your laughter. 

At one point during the movie she tilted your head up towards hers and kissed your lips to try and stop you from laughing but all you did was smile and giggle against her lips.

This went on for another hour before Taylor was able to calm you by stroking your hair and singing into your ear. After that you fell asleep on her chest and she smiled at you softly, as she watched you breathe evenly. She felt extremely happy when she thought back to you laughing. It was one of her favourite sounds in the whole wide world and getting to hear it non stop today filled her heart with joy. She pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head before closing her own eyes and falling asleep with you in her arms. 

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now