You're from England

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As a local Londoner, born and raised in the heart of England, you've always known the charm of your city, but today it feels a bit different. There's an electric buzz in the air, and it's not just from the usual London traffic or the chatter of tourists.

Taylor Swift, the international pop sensation, is in town for her Eras Tour. You've heard her music countless times, danced to her songs in your room, and even shed a tear or two while listening to her soulful ballads. Now, she's just a stone's throw away, performing in your very own city.

One sunny afternoon, as you wander through the quaint streets of London, you decide to pop into a cozy little cafe. It's a place you've been to a hundred times before, but today it feels different. As you order your favorite cappuccino and take a seat at a corner table, you feel a strange, magnetic pull in the air. Little do you know that this ordinary cafe visit is about to become extraordinary.

You pull out the current book you've been reading and open it up. As soon as your eyes read the first word on the page, you're immediately transported to a new world.

Which is why you don't notice when the door opens and someone walks in

The door chimes, and in walks Taylor Swift herself, unmistakable in her grace and poise. She orders a cup of tea and takes a seat near the window. She's engrossed in her phone, probably catching up on messages or enjoying a rare moment of solitude in this bustling city.

You don't look up from your book once, completely oblivious to world around you. The entire cafe is aflutter with whispers and sidelong glances, everyone watching Taylor scroll on her phone but no one able to pluck up the courage to talk to her. 

Taylor definitely notices the whispers and stolen glances but she acts like she hasn't heard or seen anything. Someone gets up from their table and Taylor braces herself for conversation but sighs in relief as that person walks out of the cafe door and onto the cobbled street outside. As she relaxes back into her seat, her eyes catch onto something.

A young woman sat in the corner of the cafe, completely engrossed in a book, the only person that's not about to combust with the fact that Taylor's sat in the same room as them.

Taylor appreciated this about you. It didn't matter if you weren't a fan, she still appreciated that you were letting her get on with her life. 

Just like the book you're reading, once Taylor's eyes saw you for the first time, she couldn't look away. You of course, didn't realise this, still trapped in a world of fictional romance and revenge.

Other people in the cafe had clocked on to the fact that Taylor was staring at you. A lot of them excitedly whispered to each other, others were frustrated that she wasn't looking at them. One lady got up from her seat and approached you.

She tapped you on the shoulder, which brought you back to reality and your head snapped up to meet hers. "Hello, sorry to bother you but I just wanted to let you know, I think you have an admirer".

You frowned at the lady's words. An admirer. You? No that can't be right.

The lady pointed towards Taylor with her head and your eyes flickered into the direction before locking with Taylor's electric blue ones. Suddenly all the oxygen left your body and any form of dialect had flown out of your brain.

Taylor smiled at you, and you mirrored her actions. The lady went back to her seat and grinned happily. 

Taylor gathered her stuff and made her way over to you. Your heart beat faster than ever before. The woman who has soundtracked your life in so many ways, was voluntarily approaching you, after spending about ten minutes staring at you. It all felt surreal, as if you were in a dream. Perhaps you had travelled so far into your book that this was all in your head.

"May I sit down?" Taylor said, gesturing to the chair opposite you.

Your voice suddenly came back to you and you smiled, "Yes of course. Please", you replied. Something in Taylor's expression changed.

"I love your accent", she said, in a low voice. Blood rushed to your cheeks and you tried to cover it, but it was too late because Taylor had seen it. "You're really cute", she said, resting her chin on her fist, as she stared at you.

"Thank you... you too", you responded, almost confused as to why The Taylor Swift was talking to you, and telling you that you're cute.

"So are you from here?" she asked you, making conversation. Something inside her, wanted to find out as much about you as she could.

You nod with a smile, "Yep, born and raised", you chuckle. Taylor's heart flutters as she hears your London accent. She has always loved English accents.

"Are you coming to my show?" she asked with a smirk. You chuckle lightly. 

"No i'm not i'm afraid. Don't get me wrong, i would absolutely die to go to your show, but I couldn't get tickets. Ticketmaster is brutal", you replied, your eyes growing sad at the thought of not going to Taylor's concert.

Taylor's smile grew as she listened to you speak. "I can get you tickets", she suddenly blurted out. Your eyes snapped up to meet hers, your expression showing vacant shock.

"You.. You would do that for me?" you asked. You tried hard to not let the tears fall, but you couldn't avoid your eyes from watering. You were not about to cry in front of Taylor Swift.

"Yes of course. I don't know why, but something in me is telling me that i should keep you in my life. I don't even know your name, but I would happily take you on tour with me, let you come to my house, meet my family. You're a very special person", she said, gazing at you adoringly.

You blushed again, not knowing how to respond. 

"Uh. My name is Y/N", you half-whispered. Taylor's smile grew brighter as she heard your name, a light pink dusted across her cheeks. 

"That's a beautiful name", she whispered back, watching as you smiled and looked down at your lap.

"Come with me. To my show. I'll take you backstage, and then you can go and sit with my mom in the VIP tent". You dropped your jaw.

"I get to meet your mum as well?!" you said excitedly, holding back a squeal. With other people, Taylor would sometimes find this annoying, but with you it was just adorable.

She laughed at your reaction, reaching out and grabbing your hand to hold. She didn't quite know what she was doing, but you let her do it.

"Yeah come on let's go", she said, helping you out of your seat. She waited for you to put your coat on, before linking her arm through yours and walking out the cafe doors with you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now