Bad day at work

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As you trudge through the door after a particularly rough day at work, the weight of the world feels like it's crushing your shoulders. Papers to grade, unruly kids, and meetings that seemed to drag on forever - it all seemed to conspire against you. But as soon as you step inside, you're enveloped in warmth, both from the cozy ambiance of your home and the loving presence of your girlfriend.

Your tense shoulders relax a bit but you still have that feeling of anxiety tugging at your heart. You sniff as you remove your shoes and crack your neck, rolling your shoulders back.

 Taylor must've sensed your return because when you looked ahead she was there, waiting for you, a concerned look etched on her face as she takes in your tired expression. Without a word, she pulls you into a comforting embrace, her arms wrapping around you like a shield from the outside world.

"You're home," she murmurs softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Tell me about your day."

And you do. You spill out all the frustrations and stresses that have been weighing you down, and with each word, Taylor listens attentively, her eyes filled with empathy and understanding. She doesn't try to offer solutions or brush off your feelings; instead, she simply listens, validating your emotions and offering her unwavering support.

As you vent, Taylor starts to work her magic. She prepares a steaming cup of your favorite tea, guiding you to the couch where she wraps you up in a blanket. Soft music plays in the background, filling the room with a soothing melody that calms your frazzled nerves.

With Taylor by your side, the world seems a little brighter, a little more manageable. She holds you close, her presence a balm to your weary soul. And as you lean into her embrace, you realise that no matter how tough the day may have been, as long as you have Taylor by your side, everything will be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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