You get sick

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As you lay in bed, feeling weak and feverish, you couldn't help but wish for relief from the sickness that had taken hold of you. Your body ached, and every cough sent sharp pains through your chest. It was a miserable feeling, to say the least.

You didn't want to disturb Taylor at the studio but as you began to feel worse throughout the day, you had no choice but to call her. Taylor's voice sounded worried through the phone but she tried her best to keep it steady for you. She couldn't leave the studio just yet, but she promised to be there for you when she got home.

Just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, the sound of the front door opening caught your attention. You breathed out a sigh of relief at Taylor's return home and you heard the concerned tone in her voice as she called out your name. Soon enough, she was by your side, her expression one of sympathy as she kept her voice soft and quiet when greeting you.

With a gentle touch, Taylor placed her hand on your forehead, confirming your fever. "You're burning up, Y/N," she said, worry etched on their face.

You mustered a weak smile and replied, "I don't feel so good, Tay."

Taylor's eyes filled with second hand pain as she said, "Don't worry, I'm here for you, i'll be right back baby". She disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a bowl of warm soup and some medication. "Here, this should help."

You gratefully accepted the soup, sipping it slowly while Taylor made sure you took your medicine. She climbed onto the bed lying down next to you on top of the sheets, instead of getting under them.

"I don't wanna get you sick", you whispered, sniffling slightly. Taylor smiled softly at you, stroking your hair before replying with "I don't care if i get sick, my baby girl is unwell and in pain and i have to be there for her".

Your heart swelled at her words and you smiled up at her, before sneezing aggressively into a tissue.

- - -

As the night settled in, you were still feeling restless despite the exhaustion that came with being sick. You tossed and turned in bed, unable to find a comfortable position. The fever seemed to intensify at night, making sleep elusive.

Noticing your discomfort, Taylor gently placed a cool, damp cloth on your forehead, hoping to ease your fever-induced discomfort. She whispered soothing words, assuring you that everything would be alright. The soft, rhythmic strokes of Taylor's hand on your back provided a comforting sensation.

Taylor dimmed the lights and created a calming atmosphere in the room. She also played some soft, instrumental music in the background, lulling you into a more relaxed state. The soothing melodies, combined with Taylor's gentle presence, began to work their magic.

Gradually, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, wrapped in Taylor's love and care. She remained by your side, watching over you with a protective gaze, ready to tend to your needs at any moment.

As you finally succumbed to sleep's embrace, you couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate to have someone as loving and devoted as Taylor by your side, taking care of you through the long, challenging night. With Taylor's comforting presence, you knew that you could face anything, even a stubborn illness.

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