You try to scare her

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Over the course of your three -year relationship with Taylor, she often liked to tease you about how jumpy you were. Your jumpiness made it easy for her to scare you but somehow – and you have no clue why – she is scare proof. 

You'll jump out at her from behind doors, even hiding under the bed to grab her ankles, but she always just turns to face you calmly with one eyebrow raised and an expression that reads 'you're cute, nice try'.

This frustrated you deeply, until one night when you decided you'd do something about it.

You were curled up with her on the sofa, a small patchwork blanket placed gently across you both. Taylor was lying with her back against the armrest of the sofa with her legs stretched out across the cushions, and you were between her legs, with your back laying against her stomach and your head against her chest.

She had chosen a horror movie for you both, not because she particularly enjoys them, but because she likes to hold you and comfort you when you get scared.

Not that she'd ever tell you that.

You were jumping at every little noise and every time she felt you flinch she'd giggle quietly at you. After the fourth time, you tapped her arm lightly, "Tay, it's not funny".

She just laughed harder at that, "Oh but it is sweetheart".

You just huffed and slumped into her embrace, jumping for a fifth time as something unexpected happened on the TV screen. Taylor laughed again.

And you decided you'd had enough.

You were going to scare her.

You just needed to figure out how. You contemplated getting up to "grab something" and then not coming back which would force Taylor to come and search for you, meaning she'd be the perfect target for you to jump out at.

But that would be too easy. She wouldn't fall for that. She is a mastermind after all.

You even contemplated telling her you were pregnant. But you quickly shut that one down – it would be too cruel. That wouldn't scare her as much as it would deeply hurt her.


A lightbulb went off in your mind as a genius idea began to form. What's the one thing Taylor cares about more than anything in this world?

Your health.

Maybe if you gave the excuse of going to the bathroom, you'd be able to feign fainting after you stood up from the sofa. It was brilliant!

You shifted in Taylor's lap and she loosened her grip on you slightly, allowing you to get comfortable. You smiled softly at her and she smiled back before pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

After a couple of minutes you decided it was time. You used your elbows to push yourself off of Taylor and her eyes immediately turned from the TV screen to you. "You okay baby?" she asked, frowning slightly at the sudden loss of contact.

You smiled reassuringly at her, "yeah I'm fine, I just need the toilet", you replied, causing her to just smile and nod at you as she muttered a small, "okay".

You swung your legs over the edge of the sofa, readying yourself to carry out this plan. You switched on the part of your brain that you used for acting and you stood up.

You walked a few steps before stopping abruptly. Taylor noticed this and looked over at you. "Everything alright honey?" she wondered aloud, watching the back of your head with confused curiosity.

You turned around to look at her, with your eyebrows furrowed. "I-I don't know Tay", you replied, with your best shaky voice. You were proud with your performance so far, especially when Taylor's eyes changed to a look of concern.

"What do you mean Y/N?" she asked, turning her whole body to face you, completely ignoring the movie. You shook your head and blinked slowly.

"I don't know... I feel weird", you half-whispered back. Damn I deserve an Oscar for this performance, you thought to yourself.

Taylor's face had gone from a look of concern to a look of pure worry. "Weird how?" she inquired. But before she could get a reply, your body hit the floor with complete dedication.

You tried your best to not flinch as your head made contact with the floor, slightly harder than you were expecting. You closed your eyes and faked unconsciousness.

Taylor immediately sprung to action, leaping off the sofa. Her worry had very quickly changed to panic as she called your name out frantically.

"Y/N?! Y/N can you hear me?!!" she practically yelled, but of course she received no reply. She knelt down beside you, checking to see if your chest was still rising and falling as it should be.

"Y/N please wake up! You're scaring me!!" As soon as those words left her mouth you knew you had accomplished what you were hoping for. Your plan had succeeded.

You had officially scared Taylor.

Your eyes remained closed but your lips twitched in a wide grin. You heard Taylor falter, pausing her movements. You opened one eye to look up at her, finding her staring down at you with her lips parted and her eyes wide.

"Got you", you whispered, with a small smirk. Taylor gasped lightly.

"Oh my- What?! Y/N that- What?!" Taylor stuttered, tucking a loose curl behind her ear and furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't understand".

You sat up, sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floor, opposite Taylor, but close enough to be able to rest your hand on her knee. "Three years! I've never been able to scare you! But now I've finally done it!!" You exclaimed with a bright smile.

Taylor's jaw dropped, "Oh my god! You... Wow", she shook her head, clearly lost for words. You giggle slightly at her reaction.

"So... now will you stop laughing at me whenever I jump at the scary movie?" you asked, shuffling closer to Taylor, intertwining your fingers.

"If you're gonna do that every time I laugh at you, then yes I will definitely stop", she chuckled, still in a state of shock. You laugh at her words. 

"I'm never doing that again, I hit my head as I fell which kinda hurt", you explained, using your free hand to rub the spot that had made contact with the wooden floor.

Taylor snorted out loud and threw her head back with a smile, "Karma", she said, winking at you.

You rolled your eyes and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Come on, lets finish this movie", you whispered in her ear. Your breath against her neck sent shivers down her spine but she just stood up from her position on the floor, pulling you up with her and guided you back to the sofa.

You both resumed your previous position on the couch but this time, Taylor wrapped her arms around you even tighter and you grinned knowing she was still scared.

You decided to test out how scared she truly was by pretending to jump at the movie. You waited for a small giggle from Taylor but it never came. Instead, she squeezed you comfortingly and rubbed her thumb against your forearm. 

You smiled and relaxed into her embrace, glad to know that she cared about you more than anything else.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now