Taylor gets her period

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The morning sun shone through the curtains, causing you to stir in your sleep. You groggily opened your eyes, groaning slightly. You turned your body over to Taylor's side of the bed, reaching out an arm to wrap around her. But instead your arm flopped onto the sheets.

You frowned at the absence of your girlfriend, sitting up in bed, more alert and awake than you were a minute ago. 

"Tay?" you called out, staying silent for a few moments, your ears trying to listen for a response. When no response was given you frowned again, before quickly getting out of bed. 

As you went to throw the bedsheets back into their regular position you noticed something out of the corner of your eye.

A red bloodstain. For a split second you wondered if you had been the one to make it but then you noticed that it was on Taylor's side of the bed.

Your brain immediately put two and two together and your mouth made an O shape of realisation.

You opened the bedroom door, stepping out onto the landing, turning your head left and right, trying to figure out which way Taylor may be. You chose left and you hurried down the hallway towards the staircase.

As you were making your way down the stairs you called out Taylor's name again.

"Taylor? Baby where are you?"

This time you got a response that sounded like it had come from the kitchen.

"I'm over here Y/N". Taylor's voice sounded pained and your heart broke when you heard it. You entered the kitchen to see Taylor bent over, resting her forearms on the counter, her head down facing the floor.

"Aw honey are you okay?" you said, immediately rushing to her side and rubbing her back lovingly.

"Ugh i feel awful, it's so painful", she replied, clutching her lower abdomen. Your eyes grew sympathetic and you placed a gentle kiss on Taylor's cheek, still rubbing her back.

"Hey i'll tell you what, why don't you go and lie down on the couch and i'll bring you a heating pad and some stuff to help", you offered with a small smile. Taylor nodded smiling back at you, and you helped her into the living making sure she was comfortable as she lay on the couch.

"I'll be right back baby", you promised, rushing off to grab Taylor's supplies.

Running into the kitchen, you grabbed a hot water bottle, heating it up so that it was toasty and warm. Whilst it was heating up, you grabbed some dark chocolate from the fridge, knowing it would help her cramps. As you were making your way back to the living room, you grabbed a fluffy blanket from the airing cupboard.

You smiled at Taylor as you returned, kneeling down beside her. "Here this should help", you said placing the hot water bottle on her lower abdomen. She breathed out in relief as the warmth relaxed her muscles.

You held out the chocolates, which she accepted gratefully. "You're a life saver Y/N, what would i ever do without you?" she said, smiling adoringly at you.

You sat down beside her, draping the blanket over her. "It's no problem, Tay.  Anything you need, just let me know. Do you want some tea?"

She nods, and you head to the kitchen to prepare a soothing cup of herbal tea. As you go about the familiar routine, you can't help but think about how fortunate you are to share your life and your home with Taylor – someone who you love deeply and can care for during her toughest moments.

Returning to the living room, you hand Taylor the steaming cup of tea, and she takes it gratefully. She leans against you, and you wrap your arm around her shoulders.

You spend the rest of the day watching movies, sharing stories, and offering comforting words as Taylor's cramps gradually subside. By the evening, she's feeling much better, thanks to your care and company.

As you're about to settle down for the night, Taylor looks at you with gratitude and love in her eyes. "Y/N, you're the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. Thanks for being here for me today."

You smile and give her a loving kiss. "Anytime, Taylor. That's what living together is all about. Take care of yourself, okay?"

With a final affectionate embrace, you both drift off to sleep, feeling grateful for the special bond you share and knowing that you'll always be there to support and love each other through life's challenges.

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