Fellow Delinquets

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As I stood in the mirror that night admiring my bruises i reflected on how far I had gone. I could almost faintly see the scrawny, beat up, broken little girl that I used to be. But as I continued to look I realised some things hadn't changed.
I still had that fight in my eyes, no matter how downcast or broken I was, the defiance.
I had grown, I had gotten stronger, I was able to fight now and stand up for myself. I know myself better now and have pushed myself to my limits.
Every night when I step into that ring, hear the noise of the crowd in my ears, square up to my opponent and get ready to fight. That's when I truly feel alive, and free.
I looked at myself in the mirror and adopted a blank stare, raising my fists in tight to my body and in position to protect my face. Jab, jab, cross, my right fist struck out, meant to take my opponent by surprise. Cross, jab, hook, my fists were punching in a flurry, my mind taking over as I ran through imaginary scenarios in my head.
I no longer had to think about the combinations of punches or the best defence to set up as I launched my attack. Practicing in the mirror helped to correct and perfect techniques.
Jab, straight right, left hook, bouncing softly on the balls of my feet, keeping mobile and moving around made it easier to avoid getting hit. Jab, uppercut, left hook, short right, left hook again. Knockout.
Hot and sweaty I changed out of my sports bra and shorts and into some comfy clothes I could relax in for the evening. Ash hadn't scheduled me any fights yet so there wasn't any pressure but I was still keen to get into the ring again and so I had to keep in shape.

The next day I got up, showered, stuck my hair up in a high ponytail and put on some casual clothes to go to school in. Trudging downstairs I greeted my fellow delinquents with a grunt and a slight nod of my head.
I live in a two storey house along with my adoptive parents or well legal guardians. They couldn't have children and therefore with all of their spare riches decided that it would look good for them if they adopted charity cases. People like me with no parents, trouble fitting in at school and have the possibility to 'stray off' as they like to put it.
Basically they take us in so there is less chance of us growing up to be serial killers when we are older. But if I am honest, they don't care about us, only their reputation.
When we leave school we are 'released', they take all of our stuff that they don't want and pack into into a small duffle bag, and leave it at the front door. Thats the sign we are being kicked out.
I grabbed a muesli bar and a glass of juice and I raced out the door, I unlocked my car, my baby and drove to school. As I pulled up and reversed into a car park I heard a yell.
"Get off of me!" opening my door and stepping out I blinked into the sunlight and looked over in the direction of the voice. As my eyes slowly adjusted I could make out three larger shapes standing over one cowering shape, who appeared to be the source of the voice.
Putting my bag down by the door of my car I walked over to them, holding my head high, my eyes dark with anger. When they saw me approaching they stopped what they were doing and turned to face me.
"Well looky who it is" they sneered, towering over me. I wasn't scared, I knew that size didn't matter when it came to the punch. "If it isn't little miss Bryn, defender of the weak" the leader snarled, his name was Ryan, he was a jock and a bully.

I said nothing, I just stood there glaring at them. Then reaching down I offered my hand to the girl who was lying on the floor crying. "They got you good didn't they?" I said softly for her ears only, "its okay, just you watch." Slowly she got to her feet, still clutching my hand, she didn't look any older than eight and already had a significant black eye.
"Picking on the small fry are we now?" I said with a hint of malice in my voice, "I would have thought that beneath you." He stalked up to me, wearing the grin of a man who knows he always wins.
"Now why don't you be a good girl and just leave eh?" he smirked at me, he knew that I couldn't get into any more fights. My blood boiled as I tossed up all possibilities.
I looked down at the little girl standing next to me and I knew. I bent down and quickly whispered into her ear and she trotted off and stood next to my car. Standing up, I looked Ryan right in the eye, "you obviously don't know me or you wouldn't still be here."
Then before he could comprehend the meaning of my words I feinted with my left and as he ducked to avoid it I smashed him in the nose with my right fist. Raising my knee up I kneed him in the groin and then swept his legs out from under him. He fell backwards onto the ground clutching his nose in his hand as it started to bleed.
But more fool me, as I was gloating in my victory and revenge I had forgotten about his two goons.

Suddenly my arms were grabbed from behind me and i was lifted up so that my feet were only just touching the ground. I was very vulnerable. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my little friend run off into the school building and I knew I was dead. Ryan stood up and wiped the blood off of his nose and then flicked it onto the ground where it splattered looking like a stain from a murder scene.
As much as I struggled and wriggled around I was unable to move from the hold I was being held in. I cursed mentally, Ash was going to kill me. More to the point I hate being vulnerable and it was my fault.
I readied myself for the pain as he lunged towards me, landing a solid punch in my stomach, and then another on my cheek. I felt it split the skin and the warm blood slowly run down my skin.
I scrunched myself up into a ball as best as I could making myself heavier and harder to hold. The boys on either side of me strained to hold me but eventually lowered me down onto the ground.

Once my feet touched the ground I attempted to spring up, hoping to catch them off guard. Too fast for me to comprehend a boot slammed down onto my ankle and i felt the bone crunch underneath it as a searing pain spread throughout my foot.
I gritted my teeth as my face screwed up in pain. "Guess you won't be running away in a hurry princess" Ryan grinned.
I had one last shot before i was doomed, and I knew it didn't matter anymore since i was already getting expelled.

Luckily I have a high pain tolerance, which I needed to have to be a fighter. It also came in handy in situations like this where I had to cast my mind elsewhere and block out the pain so it would not hinder me in what I wanted to do.
Slowly standing up and favouring my left foot I kept the pain written on my face and made it look like I was struggling. Ryan and his mates stood around laughing.
"Are you right there girly?" one of them jeered, "Don't call me girly" I growled making myself look as fierce as possible. I saw the slight hesitation in their eyes before they looked back to my ankle again and relaxed.

Clenching my fists at my sides and steadying myself on both feet I stood. Then, jumping up off of my left foot I spun keeping my right leg in close to my body and using my left leg to strike out at Ryan, managing to strike him in the abdomen.
Coming down again I landed on my right ankle and crumpled into a heap as it gave out underneath me.
My tear ducts stung as i single tear slipped out, I haven't cried in over 4yrs. Not even in any of my fights, it must have been just the dust in the air. Hurriedly I wiped it away and looked up.

A shadow crossed my vision and I saw my little friend peering over at me, tear streaks obvious in the dirt on her cheeks. Looking around I saw the boys being taken off by teachers, as I helped myself up off of the ground I saw the Headmaster glaring at me from a distance.
He motioned for me to follow him to his office, the little girl came over to me and held my hand as I limped into the school. I was touched by this gesture, she was so sweet and innocent. I really felt bad for her.

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