Another presence

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A growl rose up in my throat at the sound of those words, how dare they try and tell me what to do. I hated feeling suffocated and controlled but at the same time I knew that I had to play along for now and lay low.
I arranged to meet them at the old park next to the school that evening. This time though I made sure that I was prepared for them.
As I got dressed that night I surreptitiously strapped my hunting knife to the inside of my thigh, placed two bobby pins in my hair and a can of pepper spray into the waistband of my pants so it was easily accessible.
Slicking my hair back and pulling it into a tight pony tail I pulled my hood up over my head, stuck my headphones on and walked down to my car.
This time though, as I pulled out to the meeting point I parked the car on the side of the street, locked the car doors and turned down my music.
This ensured that I was alert and was aware of my surroundings, ensuring that the same thing couldn't happen again. They didn't know who they were messing with.
Two set so headlights appeared at either side of the street almost simultaneously blocking the two streets which could have provided an escape route for me.
My brain went into overdrive as I analysed the situation and tried to figure out any different scenarios and how I would get out in those circumstances.
Then I clicked, lets play along pretend to be what I am not in order to get within the central nervous system of the gang and then hopefully find a way to leave for good.

Getting out of my car I secured my knife and pepper spray and glanced subtly around the park and finding an old wooden bench I sat down again.
I was hoping by putting myself pretty much in the same position I was in last time and with them knowing that I was not stupid they would take it as a submissive act.
I didn't have to wait long to find out. As I sat there I felt a strong and foreboding presence behind me, as if my own soul was being quenched and forced to submit to whatever being was behind me.
Slowly I turned around, then forced my head upwards to meet the strangers gaze. His eyes were a piercing blue, the kind that would normally portray innocence or a deadly foe.
I doubted that it was representing the innocence of this intimidating being. But as I continued to stare I felt as though there was a alpha wolf rising up in me, wanting this being to submit.
Fighting my natural instinct I lowered my gaze and in essence submitted myself to the stranger. His calloused hand found its way to my chin, gently forcing my chin upwards.
Nodding in satisfaction, "good" he growled softly "you are learning your place". Every fibre of my being was screaming this is wrong, why are you doing this?
I pushed all thoughts away and continued my act of obedience towards this imposed authority. With another quick glance at my shaking body he stalked away, radiating power and dominance.
Then, without another word, they left. All of the other members of the gang who had subtly formed a large circle around the male and I had all disappeared.

From that night on I felt like something had awoken within me, a fire which had been previously hidden. But never burning, and that nights encounter had revived that flame and it now burning brightly.

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