Consequences of choice

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It was early in the morning by the time I stumbled into my room at last. Without a second thought I collapsed onto my bed still fully dressed and was out in a matter of seconds.
Glancing at the clock I groaned, I had only a matter of minutes before I had to be walking out of the door. Still half asleep I stumbled around my room grabbing a shirts and pants randomly. Half glancing at them before either nodding or discarding them before eventually I had a couple of items of clothing I hoped would work.
Sluggishly walking I went into the bathroom that all of us on the top floor shared and looked into the mirror. Suddenly a scream pierced the air, it was mine but I had not actually registered that yet.
Staring back at me from the mirror was a zombie that looked like it had walked straight out of The Walking Dead. Blinking rapidly and rubbing my eyes I took a second look.
Laughing at my foolishness I stuck out my tongue at the creature and grinned in satisfaction as it copied my movements, sticking out its tongue also.
Who knew I could look so absolutely charming in the morning after minimal sleep. Running a brush through my mane to minimise the poof I threw my clothes on and splashed cold water on my face in a desperate attempt to wake up.

Eventually I pulled up to the school gates, thankfully the cold water, loud music in the car and an adrenaline filled car ride had managed pull me into a more awake state of being.
Swinging my bag over my shoulder and cranking up the music pounding through my headphones I swaggered through the front gates feeling a lot better than i had this morning.
As I walked over towards my locker I could feel the stares burning into my back and wondered what had changed. Normally I never drew much attention from anybody so I was eager to find out what had changed.
Undoubtedly some brave soul would approach me to confirm whatever rumour was floating around about me. I've seen this happen a few times with others.

Sure enough just as the recess bell had rung and I was heading to my locker again a smaller framed girl with large brown framed glasses timidly approached me.
She looked unsure about this whole thing as she stood nervously a couple of metres away from me. Raising my head I could identify her group standing at the end of the corridor.
Turning slowly and not looking her in the eyes, pretending that she was a wild animal that I didn't want to scare off. Head lowered she quickly mumbled something unintelligible under her breath shaking all the while.
"Pardon?" I whispered, talking quieter than I ever had in my life. Generally I was not a quiet person, unless I was trying not to scare someone or be more intimidating by whispering their fate quietly to them.
"Is it true" she said rapidly, I nodded my head encouraging her on. "Is it true that you joined Alpha Daniel's gang?" this piece of new information surprised me.
I only knew the name of one of the members of the gang that had kidnapped me last night and that was Lily. They had purposely kept me in the dark.
Shaking my head at the poor little girl, probably scaring her half to death I spat back at her, "NO!, Nor will I ever be joining anytime within my life span!"
I was absolutely furious, how dare make out like I had willingly joined them. They forced me into it, I never agreed and they'd be damned if they could ever make me do anything for them.

I watched from my position at my locker as the girl ran back to her group and divulged everything I had told her. Like wildfire this news spread throughout the school.
I knew it would cause a bad rep for the gang but right now I didn't care. Looking back I knew I wasn't thinking straight and I would probably have to pay for that remark.
For now though I stood, smugly as the centre of attention. I was proud of myself for keeping my reputation in tact and hopefully showing them that I wasn't a puppet to be controlled.

I didn't have to wait long to find out what the consequences of my actions were. That night as I went about my studies at my desk my phone started vibrating.
On the screen the caller read Alpha Daniel, what was with this whole Alpha thing I didn't understand. Ignoring it was out of the question, so I picked it up.
The voice on the other end of the phone was a deep masculine voice, the anger in his voice was evident in the five words which spelt out my doom.

"We need to see you"

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