My brothers a what...?!

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Turning to face my brother I remained impassive, showing I was unfazed by his second unexpected appearance since my childhood nightmare.
I had long since suspected that after his last remark before I saw his back stalking off again that he would attempt to try and track me down again to pass on whatever it was he thought I would be interested in when I found out his little secret.
"So" he began turning around to face me and baring his teeth slightly as if he was displeased with me, "have you discovered your little secret yet?"
Not wanting to give him any power over me or to show him just how much those words aroused my curiosity so I nonchalantly smirked at him and turning my attention to casually looking at my fingernails I answered back with a simple "yes."
"Not that it is any of your business though" I added and as I had hoped a shimmer of shock passed over his face before it returned to the same impassive face as before.
"Well then if thats true you should know what to do when I do this" and for a second nothing happened but as I watched I saw him grimace in pain before I saw his shredded clothes come flying off.
I turned my body away from him in an instinctive act of self defence but as I slowly turned back even I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping at the sight I beheld in front of me.
Larger than average, fangs bared and all four paws in a defensive stance stood a pitch black wolf with white highlights around his face although it looked quite scruffy and slightly underfed.
It took me a second to make the connection between this wolf in front of me and my now vanished brother, but it was as soon as I saw its eyes that I could see, although I wasn't quite ready to accept what I was seeing.
The wolf took an instant to cock its head to the side as if looking at me in a different way  for the first time before it launched itself at me and I wasn't quick enough to react and move aside but I was able to bring my hands up in front of my face.
As he came within striking range I lashed out and managed to tap his nose with my fist hard enough to send him skittering backwards.

It was then that the fighting instincts I had always relied on in the ring came into action as I attempted to fend off a crazy werewolf that I had once called my brother.
Claws on tile behind me alerted me to his circling and I was able to stay alert and prepared hopefully for any attack that he could think of to get me defenceless.
Fangs bared he leapt at me once more, this time from behind me but my instinct told me to duck and he went soaring over my head, I almost felt like this was too easy to be real although I knew he wasn't holding back.
At last I turned to face him once more and instead of the pitch black wolf that had been tormenting me for the last ten minutes I found my brother, naked and shivering in the cold breeze.
Averting my eyes I called out to Ash asking her to bring a towel and a change of clothes for him. I heard a shriek as she entered the room and I remembered that I had forgotten to warn her of the state of my now human brother.
It occurred to me that I hadn't seen Ash at all while we were fighting and I wondered if she knew about the werewolf I had for a brother.
Once he was fully dressed once more I escorted him out to the door, too shocked to ask questions or do anything but blankly stare at him while a mental battle was going on inside.
Just as he left the door though he sneered at me throwing one last taunt at me before I threw him out, "you haven't seen the last of us sis, just you wait. They'll come for you soon enough and then you'll be begging for me to help you."

Later when we were alone again, trainer and student I pressed for answers. "What did you see?" I asked of Ash, she looked at me with a befuddled look on her face.
"Whatever are you talking about? I was there the whole time you were talking to your brother." I stared incredulously at her for a second as I processed what she had just stated.
Maybe I had imagined the whole thing, perhaps I was entirely delusional and none of this had ever happened. "What did we talk about?"
She cocked her head at me as if I were a machine and she was inspecting me for any defaults. "Umm...." she hesitated for one second too long and it was then that I clicked.
"Don't lie to me Ashley Lucia Jane Rodriguez, I am not to be messed with" I almost snarled at the end of it and the urge felt so natural but I denied it.
Throwing her hands up in the air she grinned at me and I felt a rush of rage at her lack of concern or care about the conflicting amount of emotions I was currently feeling and how easily she brushed it all off.
"Chill out girl" she said, "don't you know how cool this is!" Ash leapt up from the seat that she had been sitting on and for a minute I could easily imagine her as a girly teenager, excited over the latest piece of gossip.
"My grandfather was always talking about how there used to be great packs of werewolves roaming the earth, around the time of the indians. He told me almost everything about them whenever I visited him, but I am sure that half of the stuff he said was all myths."
She stopped and stared at me with a crazed glint in her eye, "he would always finish by telling me that he believed that they were still present today just hiding from mortal eyes."
"Sooo... what does that have to do with this?" I pried and for a minute I could see her rapidly thinking things over. "Is he your biological brother?"
My first instinct was to say yes, but then I wasn't actually certain, "as far as I know, yes he is." Tension rose in between us as I waited for her to finish speaking.
"Rogue, you could be a werewolf!!"

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