Painfully Reunited

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"Leave me alone, you don't belong here anymore" I spat, not even bothering to look at him. I turned on my heel and walked to the girls bathrooms where I proceeded to clean the gash on my cheek.
Once all of the blood was washed off it didn't look quite as bad but it was still obvious that much to my disgust it was going to need stitches.
"That is going to need stitches" he spoke out from behind me, he, being my older brother Will. I punched his reflection in the mirror hoping that my meaning would convey to him.
"But I'm sure you already knew that, right?" he grinned, completely ignoring my previous action. "Yes, not that you would know that" I snarled back at him.

"Oh my little Rogue, I know so much more than you think" Will smirked, twirling a small black card in his hand which I realised instantly. My calling card, sort of like a business card except for fighters.
It was a simple small, black card with Rogue written on it in cursive, sharp script and a wolf in the corner with his teeth bared and a scar across its cheek.
The words on the back read, 'Throw me to the wolves and I will return, leading the pack.' "Seems you have quite a reputation with the other side of society." he said with a hint of disapproval.

"Don't tell me what to do, you don't dictate my life anymore" I hissed, "there is the door, I don't want to see you again!"
Backing out to he put his hands out in mock surrender, as if to show he wouldn't hurt me which I knew was a lie. "Believe me, you'll come running back to me soon enough" Will said making my blood boil at his words, "as soon as you find out."
I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing how much his words impacted me and aroused my curiosity so I turned back to the mirror, ignoring him.
Eventually his footsteps subsided and i released the breath I had been subconsciously holding. Cradling my head in my hands I wondered what on earth I had done wrong to deserve this.
Leaving the school without bothering to return to class, I headed to the gym where I knew I could vent my frustrations in a controlled environment without killing my brother, as much as I wished I could right now.

Walking into the gym, I had a flashback of the first time I had stumbled into here in a similar shape. A gushing blood nose, dislocated shoulder and various bruises and cuts all over my body, visible through the tears in my clothes.

Running from my past and those chasing me, in my mind representing figures from my past. Unrelenting and unforgiving they pursued me.
I felt drawn towards this dark, foreboding place. Where most would find it daunting, dark and a place to avoid if they were smart enough to listen to the wise words of their loving family.
For me I had no loving family to tell me the rumours of such places and warn me away from the other side of town and the people who lived there.
To speak to me of dark places, where monsters lurked and evil dwelled, to banish any curiosity I might have about those places and ensure I was never there alone.

That was all only visible to the skeptical and those more accustomed to living in peace and comfort. Beyond that small, wooden door tucked away at the end of a dark alley way was an escape into a place where you could be free.
A place of refuge, if you were bold enough, a place you could be yourself, if you had the guts, a place to recreate yourself, if you were willing.
Standing in the shadowy corridor I watched myself as an twelve year old stumbling through those doors, looking over my shoulder every three seconds and looking as though I was being chased by Hades himself.
Trembling with every step as my legs threatened to give out from underneath me with every step. I was too skinny for a normal girl due to lack of food.

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