To join or not

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The rest of the day dragged on, each minute appearing as if a snail were pulling the second hand around the clock. Finally the bell for lunch rang and we all stampeded out of the classroom.
I shoved my way through the growing crowds as everybody came out of their respective classrooms, trying to get to the canteen before the line became too long.
I grabbed myself a burger and cookie and paid for it at the end of the line, before quickly ducking out and going to find a nice spot to sit by myself on the grass.
For the next ten minutes I just sat there, basking in the warm rays of sunshine and eating my lunch. I could feel the long, cool grass beneath me and the warm breeze blowing all around me, whisking my hair away from my face.
Taking a moment, I gazed up at the white, wispy clouds in the sky. I knew them to be cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds, otherwise known as mares tails.
Returning momentarily to what was going on around me I noticed Lily walking subtly and with her head bowed to the ground over to a small patch of grass away from everybody else.
I whistled to get her attention and when she looked up I made eye contact with her and motioned her over to sit with me.

I shuffled over to the side to make room for her to sit down. She was obviously quite shy and didn't know what to say. It was then that I realised that in the midst of all of my good intentions I had no idea what to do now.
So we sat together in silence whilst she ate her lunch. She really was fascinating, even though I was the only one here and I highly doubted she was trying to impress me she still ate so neatly and delicately.
A skill I never learnt, I couldn't eat daintily if my life depended on it. She let out a small sigh of satisfaction as she finished eating, a sound that wouldn't normally have been able to be heard.

Looking up at me and smiling I could see in her eyes that she was genuinely happy, and I was confused. Then a serious look crossed her face and she immediately looked at least five years older.
Glancing around as if to make sure that nobody was within the vicinity she lowered her voice "I have a message for you Rogue."
Keeping a poker face and not betraying any emotion or surprise I simply said "I don't know what you are talking about, my name is Bryn I think you have the wrong person."
She smirked at me, "I am not that naive, we know who you are." Finally my curiosity won and I dropped the pretence, staring at the seventeen year old or so girl in front of me I asked her "what do you want?"
Raising one eyebrow she started at me, making sure I was listening and taking her seriously. "I don't suppose you have ever heard of the Hell's Angels."
"The biker gang?" I asked, letting shock enter my voice as my brain whirred with possibilities and scenarios. I stared at the little girl sitting in front of me and wondered how on earth she could be associated with the biker gang.
But then I let my mind drift off to when i was a child, dreaming of joining a gang and having my own bike to ride. Getting tattoos, wearing a leather jacket and gloves and being called a tough bikie chic.
A small grin lit up my face and it was now Lily's turn to stare at me in confusion.

Snapping out of my daydream and childhood dreams I looked straight at her, "what do the Hell's Angels have to do with me?"
Pausing momentarily as if to show me that she held the power in this situation she then opened her mouth "well..." I was fed up with this little punk trying to control me.
I stood up, grabbed my bag and stormed off leaving her still sitting there. The she jumped up and ran over in front of me putting her hand out which promptly connected with my chest.
"You have to listen to me, its not the Angels you have to worry about" she panted, slightly out of breath after running to catch up with my long strides.
"There is a smaller gang, formed from the sons of the higher members in the gang" Lily said, regaining her breath. "They are after you, they wanted to try and recruit you" I laughed inwardly, she expected me to believe this?
"I am part of an opposing gang, if you come and join us we can protect you" Lily said with emphasis, I had to make something up quickly that she would believe so she would leave me alone.
Then I changed my mind, it might not be a bad idea to find out a bit about this so called 'gang' of Lily's.

As I walked off, away from Lily I scoffed to myself. She really thought I would need protecting?! I mean sure it is a gang but seriously.
The last two classes of the day were P.E, luckily for me my best and favourite lesson. We were doing a combination of dance and gymnastics in a mixed class of about twenty year twelves.
Using our lesson times and in a group of six we had to arrange a dance routine using the skills we had learnt. Okay, so maybe it wasn't fighting, but this was my element.
We ran over our routine several times throughout the lesson, practicing and perfecting our moves and ensuring we wouldn't cause ourselves any serious damage with the stunts we were trying to pull off.
Then it was our turn to perform, the whole routine went smoothly. Then, for the finale, we lined up in two rows of three and cartwheeled together and then the front row stopped and we continued on through with a back handspring and then a backflip with all of us landing together.
We all held hands and bowed together, the claps of our classmates resounding throughout the wooden gymnasium. I walked down to sit back amongst my peers with a grin upon my face.

As the bell rang, sounding out the end of the day all heads shot up from the desks they had been resting on and there was a stampede in the corridors with the mass exodus of students.
I swung my bag of my shoulder and lazily strolled out of the double gates, not caring that I was one of the last to leave. I didn't much care for being trampled.
The lights flashed on my car as I unlocked it but before I could get in I felt a tap on my shoulder. Swinging around I saw the small figure duck as if it thought I was trying to hit them. I was Lily.
"What do you want?" I asked quietly, sighing in the same breath as I turned to look at her. "Meet me here, tonight at 9:00pm" she told me.
"Bother, see I have a curfew, so I don't think I can do that" I said shrugging and rubbing my shoulder. She just glared at me, seeing straight through my ruse.
I glared back again, couldn't she see I was the alpha here? Once I felt I had established my dominance I felt it was okay to then agree to what she was asking of me, after all it couldn't hurt.

I watched as she then ran off over to her ride and I just shook my head, I didn't understand her at all. After I had told her I would come she had grinned like a hyena and profusely thanked me. I wondered what on earth I was getting myself into.
I slide into the drivers seat and started the engine, smiling as I heard my beast roar into life. Revving the engine a few times I got a few looks from people nearby.
Some were impressed, others were disapproving but I didn't care. What was the point of having a car like mine if you couldn't show her off every now and then.
My drive home was surprisingly quiet and there was no sound coming from my stereo nor my speakers. I was too deep in thought to even notice it.
I had to figure out how to get out of the house without being noticed and work out what on earth this gang wanted with me and how they really knew me. I didn't trust them.
As it would turn out, it was for a good reason I didn't trust them.

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