"Can We move on?" (3)

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The night was deep and the darkness was intense

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The night was deep and the darkness was intense. The whole world was already deep tangled in the embrace of sleep and so was the whole colony, except Akshara who laid curled on her bed, having a safe hand on her tiny baby bump, too lost in thoughts, with wide open eyes while Abhimanyu too stood wide awake in front of the small yet elegant home of Akshara, with his teary red eyes.

"I did hurt you a lot right Akshu?" He whispered to himself and sighed sadly. He had traced her home, using Rudra's help, the moment Akshara walked out from the studio. Even though Akshara carried herself so chirpily in front of the world Abhimanyu was able to see through her and was able to understand how troubled and broken she was mentally. He was not able to get a tiny bit of sleep and so decided to take a quick check on Akshara and that was the reason why he was standing infront of her house at the moment.

Seeing the whole colony dipped in darkness, He sighed and turned around to go but stopped when he saw a light inside Akshara's house, all of a sudden. Abhimanyu frowned and looked around. His tension suddenly kicked in and he climbed the gate and silently rushed to the window to make sure nothing was wrong, to make sure his Akshu and his babies were fine.

He peeped in through the window and frowned seeing Akshara sitting on the couch kept in the hall, silently staring at the wall in front of her. He gazed at his watch and his frown deepened seeing 2:30 am. The night was still young and why was she up?! But despite what the situations were, Abhimanyu's face adorned with a small smile seeing how one of Akshara's palm was gently over the top of her Baby bump, their babies!

Abhimanyu shook his head and observed Akshara's movements, silently. 5 whole minutes passed but Akshara didn't even make a single movement. She just kept staring at the wall and Abhimanyu grew more tensed.

Is she feeling any pain?! Is she okay?! Abhimanyu had so many questions and he felt helpless at the moment. He still was not ready to face Akshara at that instant and so hesitated to break into her house, without any warning. 

He gulped his saliva and decided to wait till Akshara went back to sleep but as he concentrated more into Akshara's tiny face, he observed how she had slight dark circles under her eyes and her whole body was weak and pale. Is she not sleeping properly?! He frowned but soon gasped feeling horrified when a thought crossed his mind. Just like how he had insomnia when Akshara had left him for his hand surgery from Dr. Kunal, did his Akshu too develop-? No, no!

Abhimanyu scolded himself for being a pessimist and shook his head slightly to clear off his ill thoughts. But his Doctor self went back to the symptoms repeatedly, worried sick about the well being of his wife and babies.

An hour passed and Akshara immediately snapped out of her staring session and looked at the clock, and sighed seeing 3:00 am. Soon, a lone tear made it's way down her cheek and Abhimanyu who was still standing outside observing Akshara's movements, felt something breaking inside him.

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