"Can we move on?" (1)

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Points to be noted:

•The plot is same till Akshara meeting Abhinav. Here Abhinav won't be there and no conversation will happen between Akshara and Abhimanyu and no hospital drama too.
•Akshara walked out of the Birla mansion after the conversation She had with Abhimanyu in the room. (Each and every word, blame and disrespect Abhimanyu presented will be same)
• None has importance in "Can we move on" other than Abhira.
•It Will be mainly focusing Abhimanyu's redemption, in Akshara's pregnancy phase itself.


"Welcome to Radio FM ; it's RJ Aanchal with you all, as you guys are busy with today's morning routines

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"Welcome to Radio FM ; it's RJ Aanchal with you all, as you guys are busy with today's morning routines. The sun is shining brightly and the day is vibrant and so don't forget to wear your charming smiles before stepping out of your homes. Keep smiling and stay happy, always!" Akshara announced through the Mike with a small yet calm smile with her headphones on , sitting inside the radio room as the live telecast was going on.

"And today's morning motivation is here ; Always be there for others but never leave yourself behind! So make yourself the first priority and make sure you still help others who are in need. Have a good day! This is RJ Anchal, signing off!" She concluded and a song was played as she stood up revealing her 3 month teeny tiny bump and pulled off the headphone.

"As usual Akshara, it was amazing!" Pravisht, the head RJ complimented Akshara, who was of her age and she passed him her charming smile.

"Thank you pravisht" she replied and he nodded his head.

"Akshara, we are having a special music week next day onwards and you are the one who is selected to lead it on air. You are the current sensation of Radio and you know it better than anyone else, right?" He asked with a smile. Akshara was still not able to believe that she was the most demanded Radio Jockey in the last 3 months and was the most rated one with the code name RJ Aanchal.

"Music? Pravisht I can do anything but not music! I can't!" Akshara's gaze suddenly dropped, upon the mention of Music, something which had a lot of memories attached with it. Her eyes welled up and she was taken to that horrible day, the day she lost everything, three months back.

"Akshara, are you fine?" Pravisht gently kept his palm on her shoulder, sensing her dimming mood and asked getting a bit concerned.

"Haa... I am leaving! See you in the evening session" she said in a hurry and walked out of the huge studio. She walked through the heavily filled street of Delhi main city, ignoring the loud hustle-bustle of the crowd and entered a lane of a large colony, where the road was interlocked and was neatly kept. She walked through the lane and opened the gate to her house.

It was small 2 BHK House which she managed to get hold onto, with the hard earned money from her Studio life as RJ. It was in a huge colony and there she had a lot of neighbours, who were so good and supportive.

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