"The Bro & Sis"

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The Little boy was scared, Abhir was scared when he saw the blood which oozed down his elder brother's hand along with the painful shriek he produced

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The Little boy was scared, Abhir was scared when he saw the blood which oozed down his elder brother's hand along with the painful shriek he produced. Did he do it? Was he the reason for that accident?! Many questions ran inside the jumbled brain of Abhir as he sat on his bed with fat tears rolling out his eyes. This was the scene which Ruhi welcomed when he entered the room, searching for her brother. 

"Billa boy?" she called out in her gentle voice and Abhir immediately wiped his tears and looked down causing Ruhi to sigh sadly. she walked to her brother and sat next to him without saying anything. Abhir for two minutes waited for her to ask him something but his eyes pooled up again when nothing happened. was she mad at him too, just like how others were ?!

"Ruhi chuhi, are you also mad at me ?!" He asked slowly while Ruhi stared at him totally taken aback and she frowned cutely looking at her brother. 

"why would I be ?!" she asked crossing her arms against her chest and Abhir sighed looking down again. The guilt was killing him. even though he knew that he did nothing wrong with Shivansh, the accusations and scoldings made him think otherwise and made him remorseful for an action he never committed or intended to commit. 

"I hurt-" he started slowly only to get cut by Ruhi who face palmed herself, faking irritation.

"Uffoo, Billa boy!" She exclaimed and turned Abhir to face her and passed him a sweet smile.

"I know you didn't do anything & I know you won't hurt anyone intentionally" Ruhi said as she looked at Abhir seriously. She meant each and every words she said. She trusted her brother a lot to even think that he could do that to Shivansh!

Abhir released a sigh of relief. The fool proof trust Ruhi had in him helped Abhir to believe that he did nothing wrong, at least not with Shivasnh!

"Now, Will you answer me honestly if I ask something?" Ruhi asked and Abhir nodded emotionally. She sighed and grabbed Abhir's hands gently in hers.

"Why are you behaving indifferently with Shivu bhaiyya?" She asked and Abhir gulped nervously. Should he say the truth?! Or should he just stay mum like this ?!

"Billa boy, I won't say it to anyone!" Ruhi further pushed as she looked at him innocently and Abhir's eyes got pooled up again.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise!" Ruhi wrapped her pinky finger around that of Abhir's and nodded her head sternly.

"Shivu bhaiyya scares me Ruhi chuhi.. he always bullies me, teases me and even that pencil... It was him who snatched it from me and initiated a fight. He even said that I had two pappas also he said that I don't belong to anywhere. Not here, Goenka house nor Kasauli." Abhir said with tears rolling out of his eyes and Ruhi instantly pulled Abhir into a hug.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Ruhi questioned and Abhir looked at her rubbing off his tears.

"Don't know to whom, I will tell.." he said sadly and Ruhi's face dropped in despair. Her brother was in so much pain and no one was noticing his Misery and it genuinely upsetted her.

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