• Two •

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Pulling herself out of Rafe's arms, Kady pulled out some clothes and a beach bag.

She mentally prepared herself to detangle her mass of brown curls.

"Where you going baby?" Rafe's morning voice spoke from behind her.


She was still very annoyed at how Rafe had spoken to her friends last night and she was going to go and check on John B.

"Going to see Routledge?"

"Yeah actually."

Rafe stood up and grabbed a towel. "Alright I'm getting in the shower and then I'll give you a lift, I'm heading down there anyway."

Kady rolled her eyes, he was most definitely going to see Barry and get high off his head.

As if reading her mind, Rafe leaned down next to her. "I'm only selling for the party tomorrow, I'm not doing any!"

"Well then let me go to the party with you."



"Fine! But stay with Sarah or something."

"Your so rude!"

"I know"

Smiling to herself, Kady headed downstairs to be greeted with her parents.

"You going down to see your friends honey?" Her mom asked.

Kady's family where quite possibly the second richest family on the island after the Camerons'. Despite their welath, Kady's parents were also probably some of the kindest people on the island too.

Perhaps this was because Kady's mom, Emma, had been a Pogue until age twenty-seven when she'd married Richard Rosewood the lawyer. Emma Rosewood now had her own b and b.

"Yeah, Rafe is gonna give me a lift, he's upstairs, I hope you don't mind that he stayed the night"

The thing about Kady's parents was that they quite liked Rafe so Kady could have him over anytime.

Whilst her mom reassured her that they didn't mind, Rafe hurled downstairs, grabbing an apple.

"Emma, Richard, how are you this morning?" He asked in a cheerful voice.

"We're alright Rafe, we have to get to work though so you kids have fun!" Richard smiled as him and his wife gathered their equipment.


"Thanks Rafe, I'll see you later, behave yourself!" Kady smiled as she climbed off of her boyfriend's motorcycle.

"Yeah whatever, don't spend too much time around these dirty Pogues all right? I'll come and get you in two hours."

Walking away before Rafe could carry on, Kady saw sheriff Peterkin pulling out of the Chateau. She sent s wave towards the sherriff as she knocked on John B's door.

"Look, sherriff I heard loud and clear-"

Kady playfully shoved the boy as she walked in. "Never considered being a sherriff but thanks."

"What did Peterkin want?" Kady asked as her and her best friend threw themselves on the couch.

"I don't know, some shit about staying out of the Marsh and she'll help me with DCS"

Pausing for a moment, Kady considered this. If they wanted people off the Marsh, there must be something there and they should definitely go and have a look. On the other hand, John B needed serious help with DCS and she couldn't bear it if he was taken away.

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