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After the whole ordeal with not being able to find the Royal Merchant, Kady was at home in her bedroom. Despite how much she didn't want to she lived on figure eight, she had to go back home she couldn't just move in with John B.

"Hey honey what happened? You didn't come home last night I got worried." Her mom says as Kady opens the fridge.

"Nothing happened." She says coldly.

"Are you sure? I saw Rafe, he was in a bad mood." Her dad chips in.

"I said nothing alright?!" She snaps but then immediately feels guilty. They were just looking out for her. "I just... I'm sorry, I'm tired okay? I'm gonna to up to my room"

"Okay honey just, don't be upset okay?" Her mom days as Kady nods and smiles softly before going up to her room.

Whilst going through old photos of her and Rafe however she gets a text.

Pope: Kady come help us out will you? Your my dad's favourite friend and quite possibly my favourite.

Kady smiles at the text and hurdles out of bed to get changed, saying goodbye to her parents and driving down to Heyward's. Kady loved helping out at the shop, spending time with Pope, and it'd be better than sulking like she currently was.


"So I just feel like it'd be a waste of time in the long run Kady-"

"Shut up would it! Buying our own island wouldn't be a waste of time, we could all live together, just you, me, Jay, John B, Kie, and hell we can even bring your parents."

"And how do you plan to eat? Drink? Survive? Live? Contact civilisation?" Pope questions as he and Kady lift crates.

"Well duh use my phone!"

"Signal is a thing Kady, I genuinely amazes me how JJ you are sometimes, your like him but in girl form."

"And say by an incredibly impossible chance you managed to survive, how are you gonna shake off Rafe? He's like obsessed with you."

"Uhhhh probably feed him to the gators?"

"Shut up you love him no matter how much of a dick he is."

"That I do, but I'm being serious when I say I'm not forgiving him for this, he really fucking hurt you Pope.... Anyway back to the island talk, I think-"

But their friendly bickering was interrupted by the sound of a car drawing up, Kady and Pope both hold their breaths when they see Topper and Rafe... of course.

"Kady fuck..." Pope whispers.

"Stare them out bro." Kady whispers back as her and Rafe stare each other down, Topper trying to intimidate Pope and it works as Pope stumbles back inside, Kady stays out however, not willing to break eye contact with Rafe. Rafe senses he'd stubbornness however without even having to be near her it's like he can tell what she's thinking. He blows her a kiss with a sly grin before they drive off.


"I still think your being dramatic." Kady says rather loudly.

Her and Pope were at JJ's, Pope in a full on state of panick because of Rafe and Topper's antics.

"I'm not being dramatic! They know! I'm officially dead!" Pope panicks.

"If they start shit I'm just gonna handle it!" Kady says as she sits besides JJ on the grass.

"The fact that that's exactly something Rafe would say and you sound like him right now worries me immensely!" Pope yells as he paces back and forth.

"They don't know shit, Kady didn't tell them shit either!" JJ says in an unbothered tone.

☆SAVIOUR☆~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now