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"DCS! I know you're in there!"

John B shot up off of his sofa, causing Kady and JJ to die of laughter.

They'd woken up especially early just to scare the crap out of their friend. They were so kind.

"Gotcha slick! You should have seen your face! It was like-"


"I'm just saying man, why don't you try with Kiara? She clearly likes you! She was like oh John B! She's sketching about you diving bro and then she kissed you!"

"On the cheek. It's not like we were makin' out"

"Low hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes!"

Snatching the compass from the front of the Twinkie, Kady rolled her eyes. "Boys are so gross! Let Kie figure it out!"

JJ turned his head and laughed.
"Okay, just because you want me Kady but got Rafe Cameron instead-"

Glaring at the blonde, Kady looked over the compass. "I'm still open to it, tell me when to pick you up and what time." He continued.

Ignoring this, Kady turned to John B. "I gotta admit, your dad's compass on Scooter's boat, that's freaky."

"Yeah and that's why we're going to speak to Ms Lana."

JJ snatched the object out of Kady's hands as he joined the conversation. "I'm sure she'd love to talk to us. Not like her husband just drowned or anything."

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