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"Your a proper dickhead. There was absolutely no need for any of that, whatsoever!" Kady rants.

She was currently laying in bed with Rafe at Tannyhill, it was 3am and she hadn't stopped having a go at him. He'd stopped arguing hours ago but she was still thinking of new insults and he was just laughing at her at this point.

"Shut up Kady, go to sleep!" He laughs.

"I don't find very funny to be honest I just find you a bully. And if it wasn't dark outside I'd go home. I hope you know that."

"Do you want me to drive you home?"


"Exactly so sush"


"You really need to stop telling people that" Rafe laughs.

Rafe sits up suddenly, looking down at her. "Oh yeah I almost forgot, Rose wanted to talk to you tomorrow, you know how we've usually picked a song for midsummers by now- well you have and I just go with it? Well she's pissed off because we haven't thid year and she needs to know by tomorrow morning."

It was tradition for the eldest Cameron sibling to have the first dance. And that meant every year since they were toddlers Rafe and Kady had been dragged out and forced to have the first dance. Of course the older they grew they realised they actually had to dance, not like when they were 4 and Kady just cried because she wanted to go to the chocolate fountain. In fact Kady quite enjoyed it and got excited about it usually every year, Rafe personally hated it, ruined his image.

"Yeah well maybe I don't want to dance with you this year." She huffs in response.

"We both know that's not gonna happen so just pick a damn song tomorrow."

The next morning Kady had gotten a call from JJ... from the sheriff's department. He'd wasted his one call on her and she felt awful about it, of course she couldn't show it because she was at the Cameron house but she was texting Kiara for constant updates but Midsummers was a busy day.

"So this is a list of songs you and and Rafe have danced to since you were 11, so you can't pick any of these" Rose says as Kady sits at the breakfast island, Rafe stood behind her.

"Uhhhh... Rafe?" Kady asks.

"No, no, I'll let you pick" He says with a smirk earning a side glare from his girlfriend.

"I thinkkkk... Taylor swift." She decides.

"No." Rafe says.

"I thought you didn't care."

"You had me dancing to that last year, I was absolutely humiliated."

"It's okay to be a swiftie at heart Rafe."

"Fuck off" he says making Kady smile.

Okay so she knew that she said she wasn't gonna forgive him but he had this way of... pulling her back in and especially because he wasn't high at the moment, he was on his best behaviour for now.

"Okay, Lover by Taylor swift, that's the plan" Kady settles earning a groan from Rafe as Rose took her folders elsewhere and Sarah sauntered into the kitchen.

"Rafe get out I need you girlfriend for a second." Sarah mumbles as she sits down.

Rafe grumbles and huffs, kissing Kady's head before walking out and Kady immediately turns to the Cameron girl.

"Topper drama?"

"Topper drama... I just feel like we're not working you know? And I sort of had an amazing time with this guy yesterday..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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