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"Kay what up!" JJ yells as the girl let's out a scream.

"Calm down she's fine it's just a spider." Kiara mumbles whilst Kady squeals. "It's not just a spider it's a killer!" The terrified girl squeals.

"I found something!" Kiara yells as she passes up an envelope snd JJ helps Kady clamber out of the hole, the girl immediately checking for spiders.

Pope groans, "that's not gold..." a scoff sounds Kady's lips as she mumbles all sorts under her breath and goes to sit on the grass. "Got attacked by a spider for a shitty enevelope!"

Turns out it wasn't a shirty envelope, it was from Big John...


After getting chased by what they though were square groupers and Pope having to buy new shorts with Kiara's money, the group were gathered at the Chateau.

"Kay you want some bread?" JJ asked.

Kady scoffed, "as if dude that's mouldy!"

"Well I'll just pull of the bad parts plus mould is good for you, like a natural organism." JJ said as he threw his arm around her and waltzed into the living room, soon spitting the bread out, making Kady laugh.

John B kept the group waiting as he opened the envelope revealing a map and him and Pope mumbled about longitude and stuff Kady didn't understand.

"Sooo, that's what I dived into a pit of spiders for?" The confused girl asked.

"ONE SPIDER KADY!" Her four friends shouted all at once making her put her hands up in surrender and look at the envelop as John B pulled out some kind of tape recorder. "What's that?" JJ mumbles as Kady shrugs. "A tape recorder dumbasses!" Kiara murmers.

As the group listened to the recording, they all stayed quiet, listening to Big John's voice, telling them where the Royal Merchant wreckage was located on the map, John B choked back a few tears causing Kady to pat him on the back but it didn't help as he walked away.

Kady rolled her eyes and once again JJ had to be reminded exactly how much money they were looking for. True to JJ form he immediately started talking of the split.

"Now before we say evenly, may I remind you that I am the only one who can protect us from these groupers that are after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?" JJ said earning a light slap from Kady. "Yeah because you stole it shithead!"

"You haven't trained either." Pope added.
"YouTube bro! That's at least a 5 percent bump right there!" JJ argued.

"What are you gonna do with your 100 mill?" Kiara asked. Turned out Pope was obviously going to spend it on education, Kie wanted to make a double album about Pogue life, JJ was going full Kook apparently, making Kady laugh.

"Well I personally am going with Pope on this one, I'm gonna put it away till I finish school completely you know, buy my first house, all that boring stuff and buy JJ a surf shop." Kady said with a thoughtful look on her face as JJ crushed her ribs in a hug.

"To going full Kook!" John B chirped in, making them all toast.

A/N Haven't updated in months but I've decided to try finish this book after all!

Have a good day lovelies <3

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