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"Kady, need a lift?" Sarah asks as her and Topper pass by The HMS Pogue in their Malibu 24-MXZ

Kady and the Pogues were out on their boat talking about last nights findings but truth be told Kady did need to get back home. She, Rafe and the other Kooks were due their annual community service. They did it every year so the Kooks could be seen to be making a difference. Its a shame that difference wasn't helping the kids that were starving down at the cut but Kady had long since learned to keep her opinions to herself, this year was litter picking the beach.

"Uh... yeah actually, guys would that be okay?" Kady asks the Pogues awkwardly all of which just grumble and agree, Kiara rolling her eyes.


"Soo... just to warn you Rafe's been raging all day" Sarah warns as her and Kady enter the Cameron mansion.

Kady scoffs, of course he had, when was he not? "Well I don't know why- well actually I do... probably high again but he better be ready for the service, I'm not going alone"

Sarah just rolls her eyes playfully "You'll have me, Topper and Kelce. Even Wheezie is going!"

"Yeah well ain't none of you my boyfriend" Kady laughs

"Vomit" Sarah groans

Just then Kady hears loud stomping down the stairs, here he was and he's just about to barge out the door when he sees his girlfriend.

"Oh, uhh- I thought I was picking you up later?" He says trying to hide the fact he was clearly going through withdrawals.

"Yeah well Sarah and Top gave me a lift, you ready?" Kady asks, she hated the fact that their conversations were so dry... like he wasn't even her Rafe anymore.

"Mm, we'll leave later, you can get on my bike. Until then stay here with Sarah, do your... girl things" Rafe says and Kady knew better than to argue.

Rafe blinks a few times before turning to the door. "Give me one hour I'm gonna go sort my shit before we leave"


"What's got you so chipper? You looked like you wanted to burn holes through the wall earlier" Kezia says as she picks plastic bottles up off the sand, putting it in the bag Rafe was holding.

Since rafe had gone to 'sort his shit out' he'd been in a better mood and deep down Kady felt it was because he'd gone and probably snorted coke but she didn't wanna admit that and Rafe throwing an arm around her shoulders only buried that feeling deeper.

"Maybe it's because your not hanging round those dead rat Pogues for once, actually spending a day as a Kook as you should be." Rafe says with a smirk

Kady opted not to argue about her friends today and just rolled her eyes before turning back to the task at hand.

"Seriously though I need to talk to you about something-" Rafe starts but Kady got saved by Kelce, something she never thought she'd be thankful for when he muscles over with Topper and Sarah.

"Try this, it's good shit" Kelce smirks as it gets passed around the group, Rafe chugging some. "That tastes like ass" Rafe says as he spits it out. "Ew Rafe don't be disgusting" Kady scolds, sounding annoyingly like her mom. "Shut up and try some" he half laughs before giving it to her.

Kady takes the plunge and has a mouthful, immediately spitting it out, for once she agreed with her boyfriend. "Ewww what the fuck" she complains. "Don't be disgusting baby" Rafe smirks as the two begin to playfully squabble about it but that stops when Wheezie chugs a mouthful, Kady swiftly Snatching it back as Sarah scolded the younger Cameron, Rafe just laughing to himself.

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