5 - Azalea

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"No," Matthias says.

I stand in the corner, my weight shifted onto my right foot. The room is draped in black and crimson, covering any possibility of light or spies to see. I stick by the wall to keep look out for anyone, occasionally glancing at the baby-faced boy with golden curls springing over his forehead. He scrawls aimlessly like a child given a doodling book while the grownups talk. His eyes are large as saucers and he occasionally gnaws on his thumb or runs a hand through his hair, the curls simply falling right back onto his brow. It's a funny habit to watch, and much more entertaining than staring at the hideous Fjerdan that's tied down to his chair. Just looking at him irritates me, and I hate the way Nina looks at him mournfully.

After the realization that she only wanted me there to save her little Fjerdan warrior, I've been colder towards her. I genuinely believed we were becoming friends, but finding out that the only reason I am even here is because of a killer of zowa isn't exactly a step in the right direction. I stay near Jes who has his long limbs folded onto a crate, knees to his chest, his grey eyes glinting like his pearlescent revolver handles.

"Believe me when I say this, Helvar, I know getting knocked out and waking up in strange surroundings isn't the friendliest way to start a partnership, but you didn't give us many options, so try to open your mind to the possibilities," Kaz rasps lowly.

"You could come to me on your knees, and my answer would be the same."

Jesper snorts and I share a look with him, both of us knowing full well that Dirtyhands would never get on his knees for someone as insignificant as Helvar, and the only reason he's even here is because we need Nina.

"You understand that I can have you back at Hellgate in a matter of hours? Once poor Muzzen is in the infirmary, the switch will be easy."

"Do it, I can't wait to tell the warden your ridiculous plans."

"I will remove his tongue, then," I say, pulling out my spear. 

"Azalea-" Nina begins, and I cast her a cool glare as I make my way over to the Fjerdan.

"Do what you want," Matthias growls at me. "Drusje."

"I will do worse than Hellgate has ever done to you," I hiss at him. "When I am finished, you will beg to be brought back to your comfortable little cell, cav."

"Azalea, darling, as amusing as that would be to watch, you won't be doing that today," Kaz tells me, breaking the tense silence with his gravelly rasp.

"Death is not darling," I repeat, looking over at him.

He gives me a look and I exhale slowly, taking a few steps back and placing the spear into harness on my back. I hold the Fjerdan's gaze, glaring hard at him to convey the message of my hatred. "I will not do it," He iterates firmly.

"I told you," Nina sighs.

"Do not act like you know me, witch," Helvar growls, his accent making it sound like he chokes on the words in his hatred and seething fury. I catch the way Nina flinches slightly, looking sad.

Jesper stands and walks over beside me. "Without him, there's no job. We can't break into the Ice Court blind," He states.

"You cannot break into the Ice Court at all," Matthias says.

Kaz taps his cane quietly, making me look over at him. He holds my gaze meaningfully, conveying the message with his brown eyes. I sigh and take a deep breath, flexing my fingers and feeling Helvar's heart, his emotions. The disgust directed at me that shoots in sharp points, the hatred for all of us, and the conflict when he looks at Nina. Jesper takes a few steps away, understanding what I'm doing. Inej looks on with interest as I walk towards Matthias and try to hold his gaze. He refuses to look up at me, so I rest my hands on my knees and bend them slightly, going down to eye level with him.

⭒ DEATH ― kaz brekker ⭒Where stories live. Discover now