Chapter 2

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"Wait!" I heard JD call as I rushed down the hallway. I picked up the pace already dreading having looked in his direction. A few moments later I felt a rough hand grab my arm spinning me around. I winced at his tight grip.

"No thank you." I said snatching my arm away. Before he could finish The Heathers appeared making their way down the hall in their direction. Veronica instantly panicked. She knew that if Chandler saw her rejecting him it would only make her suspicious.

"I'd like to take you out this weekend." JD said wearing his usual cocky grin. Veronica's stomach churned at the idea. "We could grab a couple of cheeseburgers and talk about how benighted the world is. Maybe catch a movie after?" He suggests placing his hand on Veronica's arm. Veronica flinched under his touch but didn't snatch away this time.

Veronica felt like she wanted to die. Chandler and McNamara watched with anticipation while Heather looked as though she were trying to read Veronica's mind. Veronica's heart ached whenever she looked at the green eyes beauty. "I thought you said that you liked him Veronica. What are you some sort of dyke or something?" Chandler shouted.

Veronica's blood ran cold with fear. Her heart began to race. She wasn't gay. Certainly not. JD was attractive. Why wasn't she attracted to him? Why did her eyes keep wandering to a certain brunette? It didn't matter. She knew she wasn't gay and she was going to prove it.

"Eat shit Chandler!" Veronica said flipping her off. Chandler let out a defensive gasp. "Sure. I'll go out with you." Veronica replied flashing a forced smile at JD.

"Perfect. I'll pick you up at eight." JD said starting to walk away.

"Wait, but you don't know where I live!" Veronica shouted.

JD stopped turning around. His smirk looked almost sinister. "Oh, I do." He replied causing the hairs on Veronica's arms to stand up. What the fuck? God this guy was creepy. Veronica already regretted going through with this. However, if it would help her confirm that she liked boys she would do it.

She suddenly heard the sound of slow clapping turning around, seeing that it was coming from Chandler. The Heathers all wore a smirk on their faces as they watched her. "Well done Sawyer. I thought I was going to have to worry about you." Chandler said.

"Get a job." Veronica replied before rolling her eyes and storming off. She made sure to push push past her on her way out.

It felt as though time were going by too fast. It was 1:00 but she felt as though 8:00 was right around the corner. She was currently in her history class. The teacher Mr. Suttles, had been rambling on about The League of Nations.

Veronica wasn't listening. Her mind was racing with thoughts of their upcoming date. A wave of regret washed over her. The idea of going on a date with JD made her squirm. Maybe she could pretend to be sick to get out of it. And how the hell did he know where she lived? Creepy much?

She snapped out of her thoughts after hearing a pencil fall beside her. A few moments later Heather Duke appeared beside her bending down to pick it up. Veronica's cheeks flushed when she felt the girl's hand rest on her arm as she picked it up.

The scent of strawberry shampoo flooded her nostrils as Heather's hair brushed against her cheek. When she rose up Veronica couldn't help but stare into those green eyes that were now looking into hers. Their faces were only a few inches apart.

Heather Duke flashed her an enchanting smile causing her heart to melt. Her hand still rested on Veronica's arm. Heather leaned in towards Veronica's ear "Sorry." Heather Duke whispered making her shiver at the feeling of her cool breath against her ear. God the girl smelled amazing. Veronica felt like a creep.

I wish it was Heather (DUKESAW)Where stories live. Discover now