Chapter 7

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The police had searched the neighborhood. Veronica assumed that they hadn't found JD. Concern residents stood outside talking amongst one another. Veronica called her parents letting her know that she was okay and had went to Heather Duke's house.

They were confused by this of course since they had known that she and the other Heathers had given her hell in the past. She would have gone home if she felt safe, but she didn't think that was a good idea. Heather has offered for her to spend the night which she accepted.

She had told Heather everything that happened except for the part about having feelings for her. What if the girl already knew?

Heather's parents both had jobs that requires them to travel. They would be away for at least a week.

Heather stood in the mirror removing her make up. When she did Veronica felt her heart flutter. Something about the girl looked softer. Veronica hadn't noticed how long she had been staring until Heather was looking at her through the mirror.

The corners of her lips curved upwards. "Careful Ronnie. If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to assume that you're falling in love with me." Heather said brushing her long dark hair. The girl wore a short light pink nightgown that suited her perfectly.

Veronica turned a shade of red looking down at shaking her head. "Awww did I make you blush?" Heather teased.

Veronica grabbed a pillow throwing it at her. "Shut the fuck up." Veronica said. Heather giggled.

"I'm sure you're starving. I can make us something." Heather suggested.

Veronica scoffed. "You cook? No way. It'll probably taste like sh—"

"Hey, I have you know, I'm a great cook. My grandma taught me." Heather stated defensively putting her hands on her hips.

"Alright, sure." Veronica said trying to hold back her laughter.

The Smiths' cover of I Want a Boy for my Birthday played from the small kitchen radio. "Mmmm. Taste this." Heather said standing over the pot of beef stew. Veronica walked up next to her as she held the spoon.

Veronica blew on the spoon before Heather put it in her mouth. It was delicious. She savored the taste of herbs and spices. "I stand corrected." Veronica said.

They both begin to laugh. "Yeah you do." Heather giggled placing the spoon down and stepping closer to her.

"What?" Veronica asked as Heather looked into her eyes.

Veronica found herself getting lost in the girl's eyes. She could stare into those green orbs for an eternity. Did she just think that?

"I like cooking for you." Heather said.

"Yeah?" Veronica blushed.

"Yeah." Heather replied biting her bottom lip before stepping away.

Veronica got a sudden feeling of disappointment at the loss of their close proximity.

After eating dinner, they settled on watching a movie. They ended up settling on a teen slasher.

"Oh come on! She can't be that fucking stupid! Go out the front door! He's in the fucking house!" Veronica yelled in frustration.

Heather giggled at Veronica's reaction.

About halfway into the movie there was a jump scare causing Heather to fall into Veronica's lap. Her heart began to beat rapidly.

Heather still looked toward the television but her head rested on Veronica's chest. Veronica smelled the sweet aroma of vanilla shampoo. Was this intentional? The girl still hadn't moved.

"Don't worry, you're safe now. " Veronica joked trying to keep her cool.

Veronica felt the brunette's smooth legs on hers. She knew that she was blushing again. She had been doing so all night. What could she say? The girl just had that effect on her.

Her mind wandered to the conversation she had in the car with Martha and Betty. How supportive and accepting they were about the possibility of being queer. Hell, they were queer themselves. Veronica couldn't help smiling to herself before wrapping her arms around Heather's waist.

Aside from how the night started, it was ending perfectly. Spending time with Heather made her forget that JD and the rest of the world existed. Heather leaned into her touch. "I feel safe with you." Heather said lowly looking into her eyes.

This made Veronica's heart melt. "I'm glad." Veronica replied unable to hold back her smile. Veronica couldn't believe what was happening. Never in a million years did she think she'd be cuddling on the couch watching a scary movie with Heather Duke. The Heather Duke. If you had have told her that earlier this year, she would have laughed.

Veronica found it amazing how you could go from disliking someone to...caring for them. She knew that whatever she was feeling for the girl was powerful. Veronica hadn't expected to see this soft side of the girl. The untouchable celebrity she portrayed at school was only a facade or shield that protected her from the harsh world of high school.

"You're beautiful." Veronica said. Heather's eyes lit up as she leaned in closer placing a soft kiss on the corner of Veronica's mouth. Her lips felt soft against her skin. Veronica sighed reveling in this moment of sheer bliss.

Suddenly everything JD said about Heather tricking her as well as her thoughts of this all being a trap, left her mind. Maybe, just maybe, she could trust this girl.

Veronica searched her eyes as if searching for the right words to say. "May I?" Heather asked.

"Please." Veronica replied as she felt a familiar throbbing sensation at how close they were.

Heather's signature smirk returned before she pressed a soft kiss to Veronica's lips. It only lasted a few seconds before Veronica felt the same pair of lips on her neck.

I wish it was Heather (DUKESAW)Where stories live. Discover now