Dusk and Dawn

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In the hushed embrace of dusk, 

 With a light stroke, the day bids adieu.

 As the golden sun sets under the hills,

 The world is filled with whispers and peaceful thrills.

 Dusk reveals a magnificent artist's palette.

 A sky decorated with colours no mortal hand may create. 

 Deep purples and flaming oranges,

 A breathtaking show for all to see.

 Silent animals move in the dim light. 

 As the stars light up the darkest night. 

 The moon appears, emitting a silver radiance. 

 Taking adventurers anywhere they dare to go.

 And when darkness asserts its rightful dominance,

 In its realm, a symphony of shadows plays. 

 Secrets hidden inside this mysterious hour 

 And dreams awaken, 

bringing the unreal to life.

But, just when the darkest hour draws near,

Nature's strength provides a ray of hope.

The ebony veil frays and tears.

As the dawn arrives, all gloom is banished.

With its gentle might,

It dispels  the night,

The dawn paints the sky with a golden hue.

The sky transforms, in hues unclear,

Shades of orange and purple blend.

A masterpiece is being created right in front of our eyes.

As the sunbeams gracefully spread their arms,

A loving hug awakens the Earth.

Birds sing their tunes with joyous abandon.

Whispering assurances of a future day.

Colours exploded as each petal unfolded,

Accepting this new day, where hopes are swirling.

A fresh narrative begins with each rising sun.

Life's unfolding tales that never dull.

From dusk to dawn, the cycle never stops.

A symbol of nature's everlasting fate.

Just cherish these moments, both dusk and dawn,

That between light and darkness, we are drawn.

For in their embrace, we find our balance and grace,

The way life rejoins its new day,

A ballet of beauty that time simply cannot be erased.

* It took me quite a while to finish this one. Been working on it for almost a month. Hope you like it.

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